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First Light with Modded 300d

Gordon G

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First Light of my butchered 300d. F'raid it is M42 Just want something to compare alongside my 350d.

1 Frame 83 Secs at 800asa. Taken with through a CLS filter, produces a hell of a lot of pink ( rather than blue ) colour cast.

I hijacked Ian's ( Chewy ) kit on Thursday night he will have to let me know what that little scope was !

Cropped image from the full frame. ( includes a little interloper to the right as well )

The full frame is full of dust bunnies, thought i cleaned it well enough but no! need to take it all apart again.

Took one of the horsey and rosette as well but lost in the haze by the moon. Can't wait for the moon to get out of the way !! this camera has potential !




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thats agood first light Gordon , yes better when the moon is out of the way , but try something as bit fainter ,make that modded 300 work for you , i think u will have good luck with the rosette nebula , prob a better target to go for being able to control the data a bit more

, fine start though


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Cheers Guys,

Yes i butchered it myself. ( Need to take it apart again as i have trapped a load dust between the nwe filter and ccd )

I will go for more demanding targets, just wanted to go for something i could get easily while the moon was out to check how it performs ( still worked )



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