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Just saw a biggy


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I just popped outside (21 57 ) to see if it was clear , which it is , and while looking in the area of Orion I saw what I at first thought was an airplane but within two seconds it had burnt itself out with a small trail of orange behind it. I assume it was quite large as it did not seem to flash across the sky as many meteorites I have seen before but travel relatively slowly for a longer than normal time , about 2 seconds. It was travelling west to south on the same level as Betelgeuse and just to the right of it. Anybody else catch a glimpse ?

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Yes! I saw one about that time. Was big, and impressive, and i almost caught it on camera, i was just slightly to the right. But then about 10minutes later, opposite side of the sky i saw what can only be described as a green fireball wow! I couldn't believe my eyes...I wonder if any one else saw it.

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2203hrs to the east of my position, saw the flash and streak, i thought it too slow to be anything other than a flashed chinese lantern thingie but i only just caught it out the side of my eye

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About 2weeks ago i was scanning the area east of orion, i was just exploring when suddenly a meteorite flew through my fov,it was awesome. the week before xmas i saw 6 shooting stars, 2 of which were much bigger and slower and were more like flames shooting across the sky, they both went from north to south but on different nights. there are many wonders to behold with the naked eye.

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I saw something strange last week as i was setting up scope so want taking much notice but wife said whats that bright light . It was near Ursa Major , it wasnt moving at all it just got brighter , bighter than the stars in that constellation , lasted a few seconds and then faded. At first thought Chinese Lantern but now not so sure as they normally move , dont just appear in one spot and stay there , also there were no others . Any ideas , anyone else see it would of been 22nd March probably between 8:30 - 9 (not sure of time as wasnt st up properly)

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I saw something about 21:30-ish. Two fairly bright but fast moving lights. One was slightly ahead of the other. I only saw them very briefly just before they vanished over the house. At first I thought they were two chinese lanterns, but they were moving really quickly.

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Last night I was looking at orion from Rutland.

I saw something shoot across the sky as well from west to east.

I seemd to be orange, with a blueish tail.

It only got about as far as due south and flamed out.

It was either large, or pretty close.

Looked amazing.

That's twice in a couple of weeks.

WOW !!!!

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Last night I was looking at orion from Rutland.

I saw something shoot across the sky as well from west to east.

I seemd to be orange, with a blueish tail.

It only got about as far as due south and flamed out.

It was either large, or pretty close.

Looked amazing.

That's twice in a couple of weeks.

WOW !!!!

Yeah! Probably the first one i saw! (before the green bolide fireball) It was slower than a normal shooting star, and huge. I was looking at the sky just at the right time to follow it right across, in the direction you said. Amazing! But not as amazing as the green fireball 10 minutes or so later in the east, lol.

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Yeah! Probably the first one i saw! (before the green bolide fireball) It was slower than a normal shooting star, and huge. I was looking at the sky just at the right time to follow it right across, in the direction you said. Amazing! But not as amazing as the green fireball 10 minutes or so later in the east, lol.


Damn, I missed the green one, I was messing around with the dissapointing EQ1 motor I purchased, fumbling in the dark.

Maybe I should work on alterations during the day time.

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Damn, I missed the green one, I was messing around with the dissapointing EQ1 motor I purchased, fumbling in the dark.

Maybe I should work on alterations during the day time.

The annoying thing is, i had 2 ideas for my evenings photography. If i'd went with my first idea, I would have captured it! ...But i didn't... Still, i got an ok star trail image from the night.

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Nothing quite as grand as you guys have described but at about 23:20 there was an extremely bright shooting star visible due west from our position, over Loch Ness. I'm not clued up on my astronomy terms so I'll just say this; it was bloomin' bright and it left a bloomin' big trail!

Most impressive!

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The shooting star.

The star from afar, It shone through the night.

A blueish green tail, the fire was so bright.

I stopped in my tracks, amazed by the light.

It lit up the sky, then fell out of sight.

From whence the star came, nobody knows.

So shocked by the sight, my whole body froze.

I rushed to the web, to spread the good news.

More people had seen it, it wasn't the booze.

I stared out the window, still hoping for more.

The nights getting later, the efforts a chore.

Time to pack up now, for tonight, I'll give up.

But tomorrows another day, by the evening, I'll be up.

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Every night, at about the same time, I see a pair of parallel shooting stars. Bright white, making a lazy curve coming in from the northwest and fading to the south. There's a strange red flashing one between them.

Wonder in Manchester ATC pick them up - they seem to come from that direction...

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The shooting star.

The star from afar, It shone through the night.

A blueish green tail, the fire was so bright.

I stopped in my tracks, amazed by the light.

It lit up the sky, then fell out of sight.

From whence the star came, nobody knows.

So shocked by the sight, my whole body froze.

I rushed to the web, to spread the good news.

More people had seen it, it wasn't the booze.

I stared out the window, still hoping for more.

The nights getting later, the efforts a chore.

Time to pack up now, for tonight, I'll give up.

But tomorrows another day, by the evening, I'll be up.

Very nice!:)

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I saw the same one at the time of 21:55 during the first night I was at SGL6 (31st) in Hereford. From our position it descended through Leo towards the SSE and it was quite bright, I'd estimate it was at least as bright as the planet Jupiter, it would've appeared brighter if it wasn't for the amount of obscuring high cloud that we had at the time.

A load of other people at the star party saw the same meteor, it was a great sight though I have seen better. There were quite a few sporadic meteors visible over the weekend, probably around 4-5 a night, there weren't any as bright as that one though.

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