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Giant Prom, March 19.


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Sorry the image is so bad but this was fading fast so I grabbed a file as fast as I could. By the time I had got the settings and focus right it was all but gone. At the EP it was astounding, by far the biggest we have seen here. Pity I was on DIY duty this morning putting a floor in the stable to make Monique a studio or I'd have got to it earlier!



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Well done for capturing it. Spaceweather.com reported it as 'a monstrous filament of magnetism and hot plasma blasted off the sun's southwestern limb today, March 19th, at around 1200 UT. Many amateur astronomers in Europe witnessed the blast and said it was the biggest one they'd ever seen.'

And that photo really is a beaut.!

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Excellent Olly. I took my PST by chance into work, but had forgotten the fitting for the mount. I handheld the PST to get a quick preview early this morning, and saw that large bubble forming, thinking it worth an extra look I shot home in record time for the missing bits and mounted the PST.

Watching that develop and then expand like crazy was just jaw dropping, and I was able to share the views with several staff members and customers too.

I was able to follow it for quite some time after the stage shown in your pic, until it finally petered out to nothing.

All that following a completely clear night, I reckon its trying to make up for the lousy winter season!!!!



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