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M51 sketch


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Used my new 10 inch Newtonian really for the first time last night in superb conditions. First had a good look at the moon and did a few sketches. I was pleased to see linne as an actual craterlet and seeing the rille running down the centre of the Alphine Valley.

Deep sky was using the Watec, M81,82, 97, 101, 64, 3, NGC 4565 and a load of others,... the Watec performed excellently showing intricate interal structure in many objects.

The only one I sketched at the scope was M51, fantastic sight.


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I was also out with my Watec last night - it's just superb on galaxies isn't it. Even faint M101 has definite spiral arms, even with a first quarter moon high and the light pollution doing it's worst.

That sketch is superb - I don't honestly believe there's a better sight in the sky than M51.

My only disappointment was not being able to fit all three of the Leo triplet galaxies on the CCD.


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I was also out with my Watec last night - it's just superb on galaxies isn't it. Even faint M101 has definite spiral arms, even with a first quarter moon high and the light pollution doing it's worst.

That sketch is superb - I don't honestly believe there's a better sight in the sky than M51.

My only disappointment was not being able to fit all three of the Leo triplet galaxies on the CCD.



I was looking at M101 last night, looked like a large diffuse ball of light with all I can say is a catherine wheel effect imprinted on the top, also quite mottled.

I am getting about a 37'x21' field with the reducer in place, not bad but not large enough for certain pairs!

I have a Baader neodomium (moon and skyglow) filter in place as it does seem to help but I also have a full set of Lumicon nebula filters I'll have to experiment with for nebulae.



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Great sketch, loads of detail. I've never seen M51 looking that good. Need a bigger scope and darker sky!

If you had a watec camera you will be able to see M51 pretty much like that in you're 200mm scope as its pretty much doubling the aperture of the scope. The Watec can cut through light pollution and moonlight as you only need to attach a deep sky filter.

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If you had a watec camera you will be able to see M51 pretty much like that in you're 200mm scope as its pretty much doubling the aperture of the scope. The Watec can cut through light pollution and moonlight as you only need to attach a deep sky filter.

That sounds about right - the last time I saw M51 looking like that was through the eyepiece of a 20" dobsonian. I can't begin tell you how M13 looked through the same scope :o

Excellent drawing Darren :(

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Superb observing skill there Darren. I havn't managed to get the bridge in my 16" yet, although I havn't tried it again with my neodymimum. Stonking sketch :)

I've not heard of the Watec before...will have to investigate!

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  • 2 weeks later...


Excellent sketch hope to see some more in the future.

I take it you are using a Watec 120N+ Astro video-camera.

Please can you enlighten us all on this set up and how it works.:D



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