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Any point getting a 5mm again?

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Hi all

When I got my 127 Mak I had the 5MM Baader hyperion but found it gave me too much mag for it so I sold it. I found the 8mm was more than adequate. But now I have a 10" Dobsonian the 8mm may not be enough as it only gives me 150X. Should I buy the 5mm again?



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I would just stick with the 8mm, but if you wanted, and most do including myself, then try a 6mm for 200x.

Odds are that you will use it occasionally, just not overly often. The 5mm I think will be used less and so end up almost unused, so could appear a waste (again).

Which 6mm I have no idea, shame that TV plossl's stop at 8mm.

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I have a Celestron 4mm Omni which i use ONLY on the Moon on nights of great clarity.

My next EP that i use OFTEN is a 9mm Clestron Plossl , which i use for observing planets .

However i have an 8mm Vixen NPL on the way to be my main EP for plantets.

Dont bother with a 5mm EP. 8mm will be FINE.

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Thanks for all contributions, after tonight's excellent viewing conditions and looking at Saturn with the 8mm (150x) With a 10" DOB I feel I could push up the magnification perhaps to (200x) and get more detail. I could make out the rings, moons and slight banding already :rolleyes: So looks like a 5-6mm EP is on the shopping list. Any suggestions. I do like the Baader Hyperion types.


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Hi Ken, now you have the dob I would go for the 5mm as well. I would imagine if your 10" has a focal ratio of 1200mm say then a 5 mm ep will give you 240x power, thats not too powerful and may come in handy for nights when you have fairly decent conditions to allow you to observe the Moon and Planets in great detail. :rolleyes:

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Hi Ken,

I'm in just about the same position as you, I've just upgraded my Mak 127 to a Skyliner 250px dob and also have an 8mm Hyperion.

Tonight I had my first views of M3 and M13 and I was expecting to be blown away, but to be honest I was a little disappointed. I'm not sure why that is, it could have been the conditions, I don't know. Every so often I got a split second of clarity causing an intake of breath and that wow feeling, but I feel like maybe 150x wasn't quite enough and 200x might have been better.

I've been looking at the Skywatcher Nirvanas but the options are 4mm (which I think is too much mag) and 7mm which I'm not sure offers enough difference to the 8mm Hyperion I already have.

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