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Ok, I have been feeling better today, so I had another go at the secondary in daylight while I was in a good mood.

Having though about it, I totally removed the secondary from the spider and reset the adjusting screws so they were all level with the secondary holder.

So I cleaner the muck off the mirror using the threadless cloth that came with my camera, perfect, all nice and clean.

So anyway I screwed the primary back in as far as it would go, then carefully using the Cheshire EP lined everything up in the crosshairs..Guess what


Everything is now bump on, everything lines up with the collimation eyepiece..the mirrors and everything!

I'm dead chuffed with myself, especially how fed up I was during the week with it. Goes to show, a calm mind and a little perseverance pays off.


The little diamond ring effect is from me pointing the scope towards the light on the ceiling lol.

CC, Phil, you was right, the secondary was twisted.


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