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Am I wrong?


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Was just about too go to bed after giving up on the skies latley and after having a few beers I am now tired

Looked out window and M42 is staring at me in the face.. Its clear but I am too tired to drag all the kit out.

This feels wrong.


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When you can, I'd get youself a little "grab and go" scope - something like an short tube 102mm refractor on a lightweight mount. They are perfect for nights when you just can't face setting the big rig up or where clouds are likely to intervene. You get a nice "astro fix" without a big commitment of time and effort :)

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Well I went out and was very worthwhile managed to try out both new 400d and the neq6 on M42 although didn't spend long doing that.


NGC 269 looked very nice in my new celestron 32mm omni

Even saw M1

To top it off Saturn was just above the houses. First time I've seen saturn in years as only just taken this back up in October

It was not too cold either but now time for bed

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Same happened here, I decided not to risk it, my current setup has my imaging leads running all over the place, from the spc, the cloud cam and the dslr, it just isnt worth the risk.

Real shame it was incredibly clear here tonight, best I have seen for ages, but not until about 11pm.

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I did go out in the end, but alas for me Saturn is still a no-no. I have left the mount and weights on and covered and will go out again at 3am, and if I am lucky I might just get Saturn over the houses.

I did however get M101 at last, I nearly mist it, I though I had a smear on the eyepiece until I realised it moved when I started to carry on scanning the area.

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