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Seasoned astronomer but techy newbie - help!

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Yep, either that or the Intes 67 (are they the same scope BTW?) will be arriving by the wekend! I've got a 10" Newt and, as you say, the two should go well together.

I was going to leave it until Xmas but it would be a shame to 'waste' Mars! :).


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Yep, either that or the Intes 67 (are they the same scope BTW?) will be arriving by the weekend! I've got a 10" Newt and, as you say, the two should go well together.

You lucky bar steward!! 

No, they are not the same. 

I am guessing that you mean the 'Intes Moscow' scope rather than the discontinued 'Intes Micro' model.  Be aware Gaz that the Intes scopes are not all equal and that they often produce different grades of the same model.  Once you decide who will supply it, ask them to personally examine it before dispatch.  The unspoken truth is that Russian scopes often arrive with debry in the tube (usually swarf, grease or flecks of paint). 

I know a man in the trade who is quite the authority on all things Intes - I shall PM you his number. 

As for the Skymax 150-PRO - I feel a post from Bern coming on - the quality control is A1, so far, and Optical Vision do have supplies. 

I look forward to your report ... we need a smiley for envy!!

Steve :)

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Morning all,

Sorry a little late to this thread!

The 8" Skywatcher Newt cxomes with a low profile focuser as standard... the Crayford I bought actually made the situation worse (by about 2 - 3mm). This can be rectified bu moving the mirror up the tube slightly using the collimation screws... a pain in the Bottom but it does work.

With regards to the focus terminology

Back focus = in focus - moving the EP closer to the tube

Forward Focus = out Focus - moving the EP away from the tube.

So if you have a back focus problem then you need to move the main mirror up the tube (or live with it), if you have an forward focus problem then an extension tube (or a barlow with the lense removed) will sort out your problems...

There are a few other ways of curing a Back focus problem, A coma corrector will sort out the inherant come problems with a Newt and willmove the focus point out a little. These are available from TS in germany (and maybe bern - send him a PM and ask) for around £82 I beleive...

Personally I love my 8" Newt.


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In's and Out's, back's and front's!!

Told you I had confused myself :?

My problem is definitely BACK focus - I removed the EP's altogether last night AND the EP holder - just had a short adaptor on the camera. Poking this into the focusser drawtube allowed me to get the camera to focus!! Managed to get some lunar shots this way!

Thanks Ant :)

But I still want the crayford anyway :)

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