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Dessicant dehumidifier - Recommendations?


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my office very kindly provided one of these for my 8x8; i am told it will deal with what i want very easily, but ask me again in a week. Apparently one of the bods at DiO is an astrophotographer himself and uses one of these

X-Dry Dehumidifier | DD322 Dehumidifier | Boat and Caravan | Dehumidifiers

also, do a search on dehumidifiers, some people are using similar types, some are using bags of silica beads, some don't seem to want/need anything

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I use this one from the same company but a little cheaper.

ELA DD822 Dehumidifier & Laundry Drier | Laundry Driers | Dehumidifiers

I've had it since the Autumn and have had no condensation at all throughout the cold or damp weather in my Skyshed POD. I have it on the lowest setting - so in principle it could cope with more severe conditions. I would highly recommend it.


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Having spent the morning stripping and cleaning an SCT and Frac I will be buying the Unit that Dave suggested in the near future...

I am hoping cost wise it will be about the same as I have been paying when using the Frost heater and Desicant tablets...but doing a much better job...


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Right, I'm up for one of these too then! Sounds like a very effective solution.

I'm going to take a look also at the similar spec DD122FW model. Roger Banks at dry-it-out.com told me that's the one he has in his own observatory. It's not the very latest model, but I read somewhere that the build quality is particularly good.


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After a Chat with the very nice man at DIO I ordered the DD822 and should have it tomorrow :)

Going to pick these two up tomorrow to keep an eye on it



Probably put the wireless weather stations indoor unit in there for a week or so to see how it copes...


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.....and I'm joining this bandwagon too :-) and thinking of adding some damp-proof course material alongside the wheels to try to avoid dehumidifying the whole area!! (I need to get my wheels upgraded first though, so that I get the height right.)


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Mine arrived around midday and has cleared the condesation off the windows in the Office and dropped the RH from 54% to 49% in just over an hour... well impressed as its a big space and the doors to the factory floor are open as well :)

1 litre of water in the tank after 2 hours...


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