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First time Saturn


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I've just had one of those astro :shock: moments. My first look at Saturn through a telescope. Was up at 6am today - got to be at work 7.30 - saw how clear it was so set up the 'scope for a quick look at the moon. Then thought I'd try and find Saturn using the cheap red dot finder that came with my old 70mm frac. Pot luck put me in just the right spot. There was this little elongated disc just in the field of view. I swopped the 25mm eyepiece for a 10 then a 6 and the view got better and better. I could clearly make out the Cassini division, a darker band across the planet, the shadow formed by the rings and 3 of the moons. Tried using a Christmas cracker Barlow which was next to useless so then spent half an hour with the 6mm just looking. I can go to work happy now. :D


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You'll never forget your first Saturn moment...It's one of those objects that looks good in any scope. Especially in the Newt!

I got the wife out of bed at three in the morning to have a look a couple of years ago!! :nono:



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Yes Steve, collimation does seem pretty good. It did take a few minutes of my eyes adjusting to the dark before I could make out the division though. Looking forward to pointing at Orion. Had some fairly good views through the 70mm frac of M42 so the newt should be a "blow your socks off" moment. :(


I got the wife out of bed at three in the morning to have a look a couple of years ago!! :nono:

Greg, you're either very brave or very foolish. :D:)


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Had my first Saturn moment on Friday too. My step dad was up and it was about 1am (and the moon was very bright and close by). However, the image was stunning. We both spent an age looking. Had my first look at M42 as well. Absolutely stunning in the EP - must get a filter now.

I gave my step dad a quick tour of the sky but we just kept coming back to Saturn (until we were both blinded looking at the moon!)

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