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Drift align is worth it


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Well it depends,

I don't have a permanent setup, and with my polarscope I get an alignment that when I do not guide move's one block up on the whole axis chart ... so that guides easy out, maybe one correction every 10 seconds ...

For me the issue is RA, with guiding I can get it to 3.5 arcsec with 1 second guide image exposures ... will that be good enough ... I will be imaging around 2 to 2.5 arcsec/pixel ...

If you take 1 sec guide exposures, is there a rule about deducting seeing, I don't have a clue about what it was tonight, a bit hazy ...

Seeing your graph, would result for my setup I think around 1.5 arc sec ... I use 500mm guidescope + 6.45 micron pixels ...


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  • 3 weeks later...

morning all i live in a building no garden no balcony. would drift align method be ok for someone like me who has to set up there scope every time they go out to observe. or is this method for those with fixed scopes. as i want to start taking some pics so would be looking to polar align scope quick and easy .if there is such a way

thx star

p.s sorry for the slight thread hijack

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Well there is no real quick way to drift align, it depends on how close you need to get it to "perfect". The closer you can get it to alignment by other methods the less time you need to drift align. If you are doing it by the webcam method you can start at twilight as long as you can get a star on the screen, and allow yourself 1/2 an hour(ish) for alignment.

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I'm new to all this and would just like to know what kind of improvement you would get in possible exposure time with drift aligning - is it a sizeable difference?

That would depend on how far you are out you are to start with. If you are perfectly aligned ( and I meen 100%) then all the guiding has to do is correct for any errors in the mount RA drive gearbox. So the closer you can get it the less work the guiding has to do by shoving the mount around, so better shaped stars and less drift.

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Using something like EQAlign or WCS (What I use) you can do a software assisted drift align in about 30mins or quicker. It is worth it if you are guiding with a longer focal length than say 500 or 600.... Below that I would not personally bother as it should be able to be autoguided out.

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