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Misty Moon and Venus

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Nice sight on the last morning of 2010: the moon deep in the sky and bright Venus higher up.

By the time I had the camera set up, mist had decended and gave the scene a very different mood.

I also had a look in the little 80mm achro, and could clearly see Venus' quarter phase.


Time: 7.38am, 31st December 2010

Camera: Sony A-300 with kit lens at 70mm

Exposure: 1.6 seconds at f/13, ISO 100

Hope you enjoy!


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A lovely image Andrew.

I took a few this morning, just about 8-1/2 hours before yours, of mine, this one shows Venus the best:


The differences in the position of the crescent moon in releation to Venus has prompted me to take a bit of a liberty with your image, I really hope you don't mind. I think you'll like the example, if not my poor workmanship...

After much rotationing and rescaling, until I was happy that my image of the crescent was to the same scale and orientation as Andrews image. I then aligned the Venuses (Venii??). The result is below:


Showing how far the moon has traveled in that 8-1/2 hour period, it also shows the parallax caused by my observing from 36 degrees south of Andrew in Aberdeen. I should also mention that the moon was at an elevation of around 42 degrees.

Thanks to Andrew for kindly allowing use of his image for this example.

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Hi Yeti monster - good catch! I appreciate the comparison and don't mind it at all. It's surprising just how quickly the moon moves against the background sky. It helps remembering it's got to go the full 360° every month, which is 12.4° every day...

It looks like you took that in broad daylight - good job in capturing venus.


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It looks like you took that in broad daylight - good job in capturing venus.


Thank you Andrew. Yes, it is very light by that time (about 06:50), the sun rises very quickly at these latitudes, even in winter. Some times I can spot Venus with the naked eye at noon.

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Thanks all for your comments. :)

I have to admit I injected a bit of "mood" in photoshop, altering the colour balance to give a slightly sepia effect. In reality, the scene was a cold, bluish grey... Not quite honest, but at least it had the desired effect! :(


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