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which of them should I get? 6" or 8"?

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Hi to all!!!

I know that the biggest apperture is the best, but if I follow this I'll end up with a 20" dob... so that is not the point.

1º - how much does the 6" and the 8" weighs? do you feel like carring it outside and going to the your's street corner, even kowing that this night is supossed to be cloud (and even starts to rain)?...

2º - Is the 2" a SUPER MEGA HIPER HUGE of a difference? Do you think +2" values 250 dolars more? (remember that I live in Brazil, so that is the difference between 6" and the 8") People told me that the f/8 for the 6" dob is very, very long, so the DSOs would be very small and very dim... does the 8" solves that "dim" problem?

3º - If I buy the 6" I'll get some EPs and a good pair of binos and maybe a better finderscope or something else like a filter or something around this price... If I buy the 8", I can only pic one of these (and I'll delete the binos and finderscope from the list)...

Last things I'd like to know: Do you guys know if a lot of people buy the 6" comparing to the 8"? Do you know if those who ouns a 6" are happy with it? or they think it is trash and think they have wasted their money on nothing?

Do you know any Review of the 6" and the 8"?

Which of them would you buy and why (or why not)?

I'm considering this 3 essential points because here in Brazil, things get very, very expensive so is not something simple to say "get more 2 inches because it is just 50 dolars more..." because it isn't =\ 2" more is very expensive on a lot of ways, so I would only get one of these if the 6" is very, very bad!

thank you all!!!! And I'm sorry for these toooooo long posts with a bunch of questions! :)

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Hi lulaz, looks like you posted the same question on the " equipment help "

section, where you have some replies.

Cheers, Ed.

Yeah I know. I did it because I need fast answers... The only store that has dob. telescopes in Brazil is getting their shipping tomorrow or maybe the day after tomorrow... so I got to decide what I'll get before that.

The last stock they got, it took about 5 or 6 hours to get empty... and the next one will be in about... 3-4 months.

I'm sorry for this double thread, but I'm really in a need =\

Thank you all in advance!

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Hi Lulaz

It's not just a question of 6" or 8" which are both good - it's also a question of "type" of scope and "quality". But generally speaking a larger aperture is better because it gathers considerably more light and enables you to see further into space.

But in your case you need to be careful if budget and weight is an issue. I also advise that you do more research on scopes and maybe wait for the next shipment so you are more confident you will be getting the right one for you.

Meantime an average pair of 10x50 binoculars will get you viewing and learning the sky, and give you three months to save for the most appropriate scope. Also download "Stellarium" it's free planetaria software and a very good learning tool.

It's never wise to rush into a telescope purchase :)

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Hi Lulaz,

Id agree with Brantuk to take a bit of time in deciding excatly waht you need. A telescope is a major purchase in astronomy and a good buy will last for years.

A good pair of binoculars will get you started and there are some good deals on 20x80 binoculars or 15x70 which will give great images and wont be too large to ship from the UK.

The difference between 6 and 8 inches isnt just 2 inches as the area of each is 28.44 sq inches versus 50.56 sq inches , meaning you get twice the light gathering power.

Either way, decide what is best for your needs but if in doubt have another think ... by the time next order comes in you may even have saved enough for a 10 inch ( 79 sq inches).



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Yes thats very good advice dont rush take your time. My be this will help you based on my own experience. I got the sky watcher 130 as my first telescope then after using it wished I had not gone for the 130 but had got the 200p model instead. So know I have got the sky watcher explorer 200p with the EQ5 mount now if I had done that first I think I would have been better off in the long run but I was impatient and went for a smaller scope first. I can however totally recommend the sky watcher explorer 200p with the EQ5 mount as being a great telescope striking a good balance in aperture size portability and with a good selection of eye pieces and upgradeable that will not disappoint you at all. However getting a pair of binoculars and learning your way around the night sky first is never time wasted while you consider what your needs are.EXPLORER_200P_EQ5_1263565323_904.jpg

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