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jupiter avi and page

neil phillips

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Thanks Karlo. took yonks to create this, you wouldnt belive how difficult it was, I often experiment at capture, both with gain and saturation. half way through i wacked the saturation up. So had to just visually try and rebalance them all as a whole unit. not perfect no. But was really quite hard. Felt like pulling my hair out a few times. would like to have processed them all in seperate channels, but the task is just way way too daunting on this many, with the problems i had, so obviously i could have done better. But i chose to have some hair left lol. just straight rgbs these with 1 wavelet applied and a mild decon. thats it. No fancy tricks

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Extremely nice Niel, It seems that you had great seeing the whole run,

Did you ever tried to make an animation in WinJupos ?

Actually your animation is already superb !

Thanks for sharing these 'great' and ' big' images.


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Lovely set of images Neil.

And nice to see you back on deck:icon_salut:.

I know how difficult the animations are, to the point where I almost admire the bad ones. And although I thought your effort wasn't the best I have seen, I thought it was pretty good:headbang:, and better than any I have produced:D

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