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Cleaning filters and eyepieces?


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my method for cleaning anything is to use 100% cotton ear buds with isopropyl alcohol. others use acetone too (but not nail varnish remover as this has other chemicals in) and Al Nagler recommends 'windex' which I think is like 'stardrops'?? others recommend the Baader 'wonder fluid' or lens pens which all work well I think. the main thing is do it at home, in a clean environment under a bright light and not in the field, find your own method that works for you as this is an area where you'll get 50 different answers from 50 different people. you don't need to fear cleaning things, it just takes time and care and don't be obsessive about it as a bit of dirt / dust really does not affect the view - grease more so (and apparently mascara even worse!).

this is what I do - after using a bulb blower to remove any debris I dab but don't soak the bud in the IA and then very gently in a circular motion, clean from middle to edge. do the whole spiral from centre to edge once and then discard. this may work first time but may leave streaks depending how much eyelash (or palm :icon_salut:) grease is on the item. carry on until clean.

sometimes you need to breathe on the eyepiece and then use the IA as it then evaporates cleaner.

hope this helps.



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I would suggest you invest, as I did in a good quality lens cleaner, like the Baader Wonder fluid from FLO, it`s excellent stuff leaves no smears, and a micro cleaning cloth, you will also need a good bulb blower, obtainable from Photo shops, don`t use the brush this should be removed as over time it collects it`s own rubbish, instructions for cleaning as Moonshane has already set out, final polish with your micro cloth and the jobs done. Lens surfaces collect dust and muck with use outside, especially if it is windy, you will be able to keep all your kit in top condition with a general check and clean every now and then.


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Having recently bought the Baader Optical Wonder kit (fluid & cloth) from FLO I can concur it is excellent. The cloth is finer than the ones I've previously picked up (for a donation in the charity box) from my local D&H opticians and the fluid is incredible stuff - dries off dead quick too so little chance of it running between optics. The only flaw is a slightly leaky seal around the top of the bottle that causes an occasional drip. Other than that I can't fault it. I also use lens pens and find them good for getting the odd greasy mark off although I do worry they'll pick some dust up and scratch the coatings so they only get used on my budget EPs & filters.

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Another vote for the Baader fluid and cloth here - I messed up a nice eyepiece a couple of years ago buy using the wrong method - never again :(

I've used the Baader kit on my Nagler's & Ethoi and they came up "as new" :icon_salut:

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