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Electronic EP - Any experience of these?

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I was asked a question about doing a 'demo' of the night sky - and this got me thinking about the electronic EP's that you see advertised on certain auction sites.

Any one have any experience of these and if they work?


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I've saw the Antares jobby in operation for the Venus transit a couple of years back. It did quite a good job and the visitors to the observatory were suitably impressed. As a way of showing large groups a live image of the Sun and Moon they work well. I imagine they would do a suitable job on the brighter planets too. Pretty good for £25.


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The guy that had this Antares jobby used one of those Playstation 1 portable LCD screens. I think it was a 5.5" LCD and used it's own battery pack which lasted a good hour or so. It was all pretty self contained with just a single AV lead running between the camera and LCD.


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