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M45 last night


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Thanks Rog.

Pity about the battery - I remembered to charge mine before I went out last night - I usually forget !

I think M45 wants at least 10 no. 120 sec subs to bring out the nebulosity.

I did try 10 no. 45 sec subs but they showed virtually none.

A check of the images for tracking indicated no difference between the 45 and 120 sec subs.

My mount must be better aligned than I thought !



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Well done, MD you got the nebulosity nicely. Having a look on my poxy desktop monitor but looks like you have some vignetting and a bit of light glow. I have had a play but can never be sure how things turn out when using this monitor. Cropped it a little which was the easiest way of solving the vignetting. Then used levels in photoshop to adjust the black point for the red and green channels. Then used curves to bring out the blue nebulosity. If it looks terrible on your screen I apologise :)

oops uploaded original!

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Thanks for the comments.

Really pleased with the Rev 80ED, not had to touch the original image for sharpness.


Good edit - really brought out the nebulosity.

Since it got to midnight as I downloaded the images, I didn't do much to the posted pic.

Only a handfull of PS levels and a high pass filter layer.

I only have Elements so I can't use Curves.

In the light of day I can see what looks like vignetting and some sky glow.

You should have seen how much sky glow the original had !

Thanks for your help, I was going to have another play with the image tonight anyway.



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