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Last night I got my kit into the car and drove to a site I've used before.

I parked up, killed the lights and got out for 5 mins to have a look at the sky before setting up.

Now I am not normally a nervous person but as I stood there something just felt very wrong.

Suddenly something in my head said "get back in the car now and get out of here!"

So I did.

I went home and set up in my light polluted garden.

I can't explain what spooked me. It was just a very weird feeling.

All in all; a rather Rubbish night observing. :rolleyes:


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Last night in my garden during a session with my Scope the security light on the path from my lawn and my patio came on an standing not 3 metres away was a big dog Fox. I jumped, he jumped, I don't know who was the most shocked him or me. In a second he was gone, the light eventually went out and I continued nervously to view the Heavens. I agree with you that in the dead of the night it is another world, sometimes creepy.


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I agree with Caz!

Reminds me of when Greg and I encountered The Beast :rolleyes:

Yeh a ferocious hedgehog would frighten YOU Steve.......<a href="http://plugin.smileycentral.com/http%253A%252F%252Fwww.smileycentral.com%252F%253Fpartner%253DZSzeb008%255FZNxmk696YYGB%2526i%253D8%252F8%255F1%255F227%2526feat%253Dprof/page.html" target="_blank"><img src="http://smileys.smileycentral.com/cat/8/8_1_227.gif" alt="SmileyCentral.com" border="0">

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WHoooo sounds spooky indeed. Don't think I would like to get that feeling before I have a car. Thankfully I'll probably be doing most of my observing very close to home. Luckily there aren't any black bears or anything in Scotland. Hmm.. that's funny - I dreamt about black bears last night...

Even if you got safe, just imagine the pain of watching the beast rip your scope to shreds... :shock: :crybaby:

Any stories from Canada, Warthog?


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Hi Paul, The dark can be scary sometimes. It is wise to follow your "instincts". Even if nothing had happened, you would never have settled down to a few hours happy observing, without the hairs on the back of your neck standing up now and then, and with a feeling that "someone or some thing" is out there, watching you.

Sorry the seeing weas carp where you were last night. It was good from 8pm to about 9.30pm about 40 miles south of Glasgow (where I was) - M31 was a naked eye object and I have never seen M13 so crisp in the eyepiece before (at x182). After 9.30pm is became very misty and I packed up about 10pm, with the moisture streaming off the 'scope.

Steve - "Daddy, tell us the story of "the beast", please"


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I've had that kind of feeling before, in places where I normally go quite happily. As previously stated, trust your instincts and get out of there. For all you know those feelings are a legacy remembered from when you needed those instincts to survive.

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