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No we don't even get a sniff of this one I'm afraid. The central point of the eclipse is right out in the central south Pacific :) The eclipse starts 18.15 UTC.

I have been looking at sat24 and there seems to be quite a bit of cloud in the region so I have my fingers crossed for anyone who has travelled there.


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No the twilight would say exactly the same in this particular case. The latitude of Norther Europe / UK combined with the current Northern hemisphere tilt towards the sun of over 20 degrees, means that the UK (overnight) comes between 70-80 degrees North relative to the ecliptic plane ; i.e. the sun only 10-20 degrees below the horizon. This high vertical position puts us, at the time of the eclipse, about 6-7000km 'North' of the eclipse centre line (on ecliptic coordinates) so even if we could see through the Earth, our 'Ecliptic-Northerly' position will make the moon appear to pass under the sun by about 1 degree.

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Me too, is it live it says updated 16 hours ago :)

As far as I am aware it is live. There are live chats coming up on screen referring to the world cup final.

The 16 hours refers to the first test transmission. But there again I may me mistaken as I am confused over the international date line.:-)

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