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Opening RAW files in Photoshop CS3

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Hi, just tried to open some RAW files from my new Canon 450d in Photoshop CS3, and it says they're 'The wrong type of document'. Oh dear. Is this something to do with them being 14-bit, rather than 12? I didn't have this problem with the RAW files from my 400d.

Any idea how I can open them without forking out for a new version of PS? They seem to open OK in DSS, though.

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Just convert the images to 16 bit TIF files using the Canon DPP software supplied with the camera. I do this in 'batch' mode and it work perfectly.

Many Thanks Steve. Does that mean that 14-bit files just can't be opened at all in PS3? Not a big problem, I guess, as DSS can cope with them.

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I know that you can update the Adobe RAW plug ins for Photoshop from their site in order that you can open CR2 files for the latest cameras. But I believe to open the CR2 files for these latest cameras you need to upgrade to CS4. Its a bit annoying especially when CS3 is ok for most of your needs.

The way round it, as Steve stated, is to open the file in the supplied Canon software.


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Cs3 can't open the 450d raw files out of the box. As has been said you new to update the raw plugin. Just watch out the latest won't work. you'll need an older version from adobe.

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Have you installed the latest updates/plugins for CS3 ? Adobe Updates. You probably need the Adobe Raw updates.


Thanks for that Peter. Just downloaded the Plugin and it works. Didn't know it would be as simple as that!

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Adobes current policy seem to be to just release updates to the prior release of the software to allow new raw formats to to handled by cmaera raw...

So now CS5 is out CS3 has been largely parked...

They do provide the free DNG convertor allowing conversion into a format that the previous versions of CSx can read...


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