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Is,nt it Tipical


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What an evening yesterday , not feeling to well , but looked out at 7.30 . ALL CLEAR !!! EXCITED !!! rushed out and set the scope up , now what shall i go for , !! ah i know try ic 63 a very faint nebula , locked on to it , and ?? heck so faint i could hardly see it , Ok , we will give that one a miss , and go for the Pacman nebula for colour image , set it to HA and away we go , got to 6 subs and ,Hmmmm a black halo around the image , oh god i know scope misted over , Zeffer got my power pack so cant run the dew strip, cleaned the scope , tried again , !!Nope still the same , thinks, ah , remove the camera and find the chip cover glass misted over , puts it back , 6 subs on and back it comes , looks across at the conservatory and the windows running in water, 2 hrs have passed mucking about , when finally i decide to pack it all in , kicked the dog again ehheheheh cus he was snoring and winding me up, and went indoors , growled at the wife and sulked off to bed, SO you see its not all sweetness and roses guys ,not even for poor ole me, any sympathy cards please send to e.mail or PM ehhehehehe



Hope you all had a better night

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Caz, is it just me or is it only the females of the species who can combine the words good, lady, and wife into the same sentence ? :rolleyes:

Nope, I do it all the time. And let me check....Yup, still decidedly male.

I do have to keep her in line by saying, "I guess you'tre OK for a girl." from time to time...

>Astroman ducks and heads for the corner...<

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