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open uni astronomy course


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I jumped in at the deep end and did S282 Astronomy and S283 Planetary Science and the search for Life recently and thoroughly enjoyed both of them. I very much like the OU system but do wonder what I'm putting myself through when it comes to assignment deadlines and exams. You should have a good time.


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I did the Introduction to Astronomy course with Liverpool John Moores University 2 years ago. It was very good. I'm hoping to start the History of Astronomy with the University of Central Lancashire in October

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I have done a few of the OU astro ones and generally found them good. Keep an eye open for "errata" on exams. One assessment we had had 4 or 5 out of the 24 questions containing errors! I am finishing one now and plan to start (poss astrobiology) in Oct. They are good learning though getting assignments in can be a hassle around family and work.

Another thing is - collect your tesco vouchers. I cannot remember exactly but I think £2.50 vouchers became £10 towards OU courses. Made them much cheaper.

Another good thing (for the astroimagers) is a discount on photoshop. I have not got round to purchasing it for my mac but whilst on a course (OU MST121 - nothing to do with imaging or photography) I asked adobe directly and they confirmed that you were eligible for the student version of CS4. You cannot upgrade nor can you use it for professional gain. Otherwise a full featured version for approx £160.


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I have done other open access courses and loved them. Alan Longstaff (of AN mag column fame) is on the OU team now and since he is a regular guest and friend here I can vouch for the excellence of every word he utters. I think you will have a wonderful time. When (if?) ever I get the challenges of imaging under control I will be signing up, though I will need my neighbour Louise to help me with the maths.


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Hi Rich

I am too embarking on this course S194?, I should of submitted in April but unfortunately due to work commitments was unable to really get going. I am now well into it now though and finding it very interesting and also frustrating that I am unable to see the answers!!! Perhaps thats just me being impatient!

Anyway good luck to you, I may well do the next one... if I pass



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