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CPC 925.


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Well got the new scope this morning about 10 am and quickly went to work on the boxes checking everything was in order. I set everything up fairly quickly and was surprised at how solid this mount is. I was expecting the tray and finderscope mount to be made out of plastic but no they are metal and very well made too. The telescope is very quite except when slewing at high speed but even then not that bad. All I need now is some good weather to test the optics and maybe fine tune the secondary if need be. I got the usual 40mm eyepiece, 11/2" angle viewer and visual back which I do not need so they will go on ebay sometime. The weight is just about right I think the 11" may have been too much for a quick set up scope. But the mount is truely rock steady I was so surprised it just would not budge. I have bought a Rother Valley Optics 5A 12v Bench Regulated PSU which performs beautifully. I have put a 6,3 F/R and a 2" WO star diagonal along with a dew cap. Roll tonight if the clouds keep away. Steve.

Please check my website out if you have time.


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nice scope and a good purchase you lucky thing, i`m very jealous.

i had my first look through one of these on Saturday night, 8" version, as you say they are very well made and solid performers.

one day maybe.

cheers Rob

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There's nothing worse than going out first night and having to wait ages for the GPS to get lock... once its got it the first time you should be fine unless the scope hasn't been used for months ( that reminds me i better do mine tonight) ... or has moved across the world ...


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They are indeed nice well built scopes.

I have the 11" and it's quite easy to set-up if I'm being honest. A Meade 12" LX 200 though is a different matter, they are very heavy.

Good luck with the clear sky!

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Wizz, that must be a monster of a telescope I have a Watec 120n+ camera and a JVC monitor ready to hook up to this telescope so I am hoping to see some deep sky stuff. Steve.

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was it easy to set up ok? was the weight ok etc?

I don't find any difficulty with my CPC1100 but I wouldn't want the tube/mount assy to be much heavier. The hand hold under the left hand fork arm is a huge help compared with the Meade LX200 - a similar weight in numerical terms but much harder to handle in my experience.

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The 8" is a doddle to set up in alt/az mode - just plonk it on top of the mount and turn till it clicks in place - on a wedge it's a little more tricky and its useful if you have a second person to do up the first bolt. Just make sure your back is straight when carrying it :D

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Wizz, that must be a monster of a telescope I have a Watec 120n+ camera and a JVC monitor ready to hook up to this telescope so I am hoping to see some deep sky stuff. Steve.

Steve they look a monster when first out the box but it doesn't take long to get to grips with. Also set-up and locating on the tripod is a breeze with the the hand grip on the left fork arm as brianb mentioned.

You'll get some nice deep sky views with your 9.25.


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I bought the same scope last September to replace my EQ6 Pro and C9.25 OTA and haven't regret a moment of it since. Although, as you say, the mount is heavy and very sturdy, it is much more manageable than the EQ6 Pro and C9.25 combo and far quicker to set up and perhaps just as importantly easy and quick to take down (there's only two parts; the tripod and the fork mounted OTA).

I also have the WO 2" diagonal. Don't be too hasty in getting rid of your 1 1/4" diagonal though if you intend using a focal reducer at some point - my scope will not come to focus with some of my eyepieces when using a f6.5 focal reducer, notably my Meade 32mm and the 40mm Celestron eyepiece that comes as standard. No problems though if I use the 1 1/4" diagonal.

Nice scope and as Billy says, leave the scope switched on for a while to get a GPS lock. Once acquired for the first time it should be quicker in finding a lock the next time you use the scope. Have fun!


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Brinders thanks for that I was going to sell the 1 1/4" but not now. Mark, I did not have any trouble lifting the fork onto the tripod but took a while to find the slot but like you said it comes with time. Steve. Guess what the sky is clear.

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Just wanted to say how much I appreciate the solid mount that the CPC925 has. Previously I had a ETX90 and ETX125 and the CPC really comes into its own when the kids are taking a look. Being young they tend to clamber onto the scope in order to take a look and with the CPC it remains on target. My son is 7 and is very interested in the planets and the universe and it is so great to be able to give him control and not be worried about him having jogged it.

With regards to the discussions about CPC800 or CPC925 it is worth mentioning that the Hyperstar system does not work with the CPC925 - this might be an issue if you are going to be serious about imaging. I have purchased the Celestron Wedge for my 925 since I had no luck in sourcing another one (Orbit or Mitty etc). I will be trying it out soon.

I would say the build quality on the CPC is excellent, much more solid than the ETX (I returned my ETX in exchange for the CPC).

I recently had a great view of Saturn with the CPC925 and an Ethos 8mm, really magical and even the wife was wowed - amazing what a great view you can get for £800 ;-)

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I have to concur with all the previous views that the CPC is a great scope. I bought mine a CPC800, a few weeks ago from Coco on this forum and I am delighted although as usual since getting it I have been able use it only a couple of times due to the constant cloud in my area (Devon). Thought tonight would be fine after acompletely cloudless day but no even the moon disappeared at 10.15 .


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I am in Taunton and can sympathize with the conditions although there are more stars appearing by the minute.

I also have a CG5 Goto and a C6 OTA since I want to get into imaging. I have therefore seen both the Fork and EQ options but must say that the speed of setup of the CPC is a real asset.

With the CPC the 3 star align is very quick and reliable and I can be setup in less than 5 mins.

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OK, guys I went out last night and set the scope up within minutes and waited till the GPS was working did a two star alignment and the telescope said CPC ready. I went to M3 and the telescope went every where but. I tried the date but that was ok tracking and all the rest. It slews with no problem but when centered on a star will not follow it. I used a 12v 5amp power unit and also tried a Halfords 12v pack but still nothing. Any body any ideas? Does anyone have a way of setting these machines up so that I can follow your instructions just to check I am doing the right thing. The collimation by the way is spot on. I have read that the power connector could possibly be a source of irritation? Steve.

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