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SYNSCAN Alignment star list

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Does anyone else find it frustrating that Synscan uses the colloquial (ancient) names for its alignment stars, rather than the constellation name? Fine for obvious ones like Arcturus, but a bit of a pain when it comes to things like Zubeneshamali (Beta Librae).

As part of my sky is obscured for various reasons, I would rather know what constellation it was in, so that I can choose one in the right general direction rather than fumbling through a list of arcane star names to find the 'official' name and constellation. Not that I object to these wonderful evocative names, it's just that I can't darn well remember them!

Anyway, the only online list I could find was HERE , but most of the stars Synscan comes up with aren't even on this list. There doesn't seem to be a list on the Skywatcher website.

For anyone interested, here's the stars it came up with last night which weren't on the list and their relevant constellations:

Seginus - Bootes

Maaz - Auruga

Algorab - Corvus

Tejat - Gemini

Zebenelgenubi - Libra

Vindematrix - Virgo

Rastaban - Draco

Kornephoros - hercules

Alwaid - Draco

Rukbah - Cassiopeia

Muphrid - Bootes

Kraz - Corvus

Zuben Elschamali - Libra

Zubeneshamali - Libra

Zosma - Leo

Tsih - Cassiopeia

Sadr - Cygnus

Alkaid - Ursa Major

El Nath - Taurus

Presumably, at other times of the day and year there will be even more stars on the list.

So, is there a complete list anywhere?

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Personally I always cheat. I dummy run the mount indoors setting time for when I'm going to be outside, then I note which alignment stars Synscan chooses, I then look them up on stellarium. Easy.


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Personally I always cheat. I dummy run the mount indoors setting time for when I'm going to be outside, then I note which alignment stars Synscan chooses, I then look them up on stellarium. Easy.


A simple list would be easier!

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If you are a member of the EQ6 Yahoo group, a guy called Mike McRoberts created a PDF with star charts containing all the alignment stars along with a list of the actual alignment stars....

I printed them off (1 per page) & laminated them - purfik!

Yahoo EQ6 group -> Files -> Skyscan Alignment Star Charts

The readme is (the download link is no longer available, I'm afraid - join the group):

These are some star charts I have made that show the location of all of the EQ6

alignment stars. I made it for my own use and decided to share with the group.

There is an index with a complete list of the stars and a reference to the chart

the star is on. The charts and index make finding an alignment star easy,

especially if it throws up the name of a star and you don't know where that star

is or if it is useful to you for the alignment.

The file is too big to upload. Download the charts from here -


Print them out, along with the index, then laminate them to use at your scope.

If anyone wants ready made laminated copies them email me at

antispam.m@ukonline.co.uk and i'll sort something out.


Mike McRoberts - 2005


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If you are a member of the EQ6 Yahoo group, a guy called Mike McRoberts created a PDF with star charts containing all the alignment stars along with a list of the actual alignment stars....

Thanks Phil. I'll try that, although presumably this is the same list as the incomplete one I was talking about, which was also prepared by a Mike McRoberts? This one:


The list is five years old, so I guess that SynScan have added more stars? Time for an update. I'll have a go, if no-one else has done it!


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Go 4 it, Luke...

I have to say, the skycharts came in handy over the years... don't use them much nowadays as I use EQMod with the EQ6... planetarium makes up for it all :D


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I am a Unix man at heart - just shoved the 3.27 firmware through my windows version of the Emacs editor. The star names are in plain text; here they are :D:) :-

Brilliant. Thanks for that. Just need to add the constellations. I'll have a go!

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To be fair, I cobbled together a spreadsheet from various lists including yours and then put them into a word document, so it contains more stars than your original list (I think). A couple of errors and typos by me, I've noticed, but a much more complete list and just what I was looking for!

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I've now updated and edited the star list so that it matches Phil's list, and taken out ones not used in Synscan.

So here it is, a complete list of the Synscan stars, their magnitude and constellation. Must get a life.

Even if no-one else does, I will find it useful!


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What's an alignment list? (:-))

EQMOD is the way to go...

Thats what the 20 questions are going to be about when your ready ....

Although at the moment I am not even bothering with one star alignment at the moment... other than PA with the Polar Scope :D


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I had a previous list which I've updated to show the more common Bayer names for the Skywatcher stars.

Hope this helps,


Thanks Ken,

That was all I was after, but couldn't find it anywhere on t'web! Perfect.

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