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Quick advice needed

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My only concern with the SLT is the upgarde potential. From what Rob says the Skymax will work on it but will be at the limit of the mount. :wink:

Thanks for all the links - they are really useful. All replies are much appreciated.

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An adapter kit can be bought from Telescope Service which will adapt the mount to use the standard Vixen dovetail format.

I didn't know that. Who makes it Russ?

Justin, the Nexstar mount is probably more sturdy than the SLT but less sturdy than the EQ3 or your EQ5

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Thanks for all your help, I have decided to consider this a bit more (easier since my mother has shown unwilling to get the scope anyway!)

I may well stick with my plan of getting a CG5 or LXD75 goto mount.

It's great to have help making these decisions.

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For GOTO your cheapest option is the CG5-GT. You could also look at upgrading your existing EQ5 with dual drive/goto control but it's probably cheaper and easier to sell your EQ5 and buy the CG5. If you want a longer lasting option though i would advice you save a little more and get the HEQ5. It's a more substantial mount but it is more acurate for photography and quieter than the CG5. It is also more money though.

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