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Reflectors and Dobsonians ???

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Evening, can anyone please explain the differences between a Newtonian reflector and a Dobsonian scope?

Is it purely the mount? If it is the mount is that why the price is cheaper than an eq mounted reflector?

Thanks in advance


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Doc pretty much took care of this one. The ONLY part of a Dob scope that can be really called a Dob is the actual mount. The scopes that fit onto Dob mounts are still only Newtonian reflectors........be we all call the whole setup a "Dob" anyway (cuz we love them).

ALSO (and this is pretty important to point out). A Dob mount is pretty useless if you want to take images through the scope that sits on/in it . The Dob mount is a basic Alt-Az mount (you manually have to pan and tilt it to find what you want). There are Go-To versions of the Dob available but they are expensive.

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Dob mounts can also be metal bases. If you are not looking for any goto tracking wizardry, the essential difference between a dob base and a newtonian alt/az base (stand) is that the dob is basically a rocker box on which the scope rests and pivots using two circle bearings, while a newtonian on an alt/az mount is a tube mounted on a stand that is counterbalanced to one side.

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