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Hello from Newbie on the Solent Coastline.....


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Hi from a newbie on the South Coast... PO14...

Only just found your site from a link elsewhere and kicking myself for not finding it earlier!

Middle aged geezer, who had a had his interest tweaked by his young son learning about space at school. Last Autumn we bought a small Orion MC (125mm) scope on an EQ mount 2nd hand off ebay and not looked back since even if we don't use it as much as we would like.

Being a bit of a DIY freak (and being initially a little disappointed about what we could and couldn't see if I'm honest...) I'm in the middle of building a 12" reflector........ Hopefully more of that as time goes on.....

Along the way we tried to take some images without much success in the sharpness stakes so having read an article about wide-field imaging, decided to give that a go. I've been really chuffed with initial efforts (i.e. actually got something that could be seen!) considering the low outlay. I managed to get an immaculate Canon EOS 10D with a non functioning flash, a couple of fast prime manual focus lenses (M42) and a substantial Velbon tripod for less than £200 all in. I think the kit is far more capable than I am and should take us a long way forward yet! Wish I'd read half the stickies I've found first though!

I've taken some shots that I'll try and post in the right sections and I'll try and keep in touch generally!



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Welcome to SGL PM. Hope you enjoy the forum.

We also have a South Coast Observers Group here on SGL. Meet in Swanmore for a drink and observe down the forest. Just in case you are interested later on.

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I was chatting to a few people at my local astro club last night and was surprised by the number of people (myself included) who've started down this path after their kids brought home books on space!

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