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Heyllo =oD


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Heyllo, im Rob aka Moon Monkey, or simply MoOniE, from the North Cambs area of the United States of Britannica, somewhere near the French Pond apparently.

Im a tog, a fashion/glamour tog, although its an area of photography new to me, i have been into photography for well over 20 years.

Had a keen interest in astrology from a young age, although as the years have passed i kinda grew out of it, but i do look up at the sky occasionally.

One of those times was last night, the first time i had pointed my DSLR lens skyward, at night time anyhow.

The images were quite mundane at first glance. Taken on a canon 350d with the kit lens, at its widest angle and aperture, i was not expecting great results, but after a bit of clever manipulation, small details in the sky became apparent.

I was using just 30 second exposures, long enough to capture the motion of the night sky, however, some "stars" seemed to be "moving" in other directions, mostly faint blue and red lights, but clearly visible after image enhancing.

So i then decided to lay one image on top of another, and switched between the two, seeing dozens of visible coloured pixels in one image, then gone in the next. Interestingly, i found 3 magenta coloured lights in a V formation, moving in the same direction, in one image, the image beneath it had no such thing.

I have no idea what these are but i am sure there is some rational explanation. Who knows, i may even find that answer here.

Anyhow, ill include a couple of images from last night, yes i know they are awful, but this is not my area of photography at all, and i never went out with the intention to shoot stars.



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North Cambridge, right on the flight path into and out of Stansted and holding paths, then there are the various US airbases around the area. Guess that you could have the flights from Schipol heading to the US going over you.

So sorry to say anything that moves has a very high chance of being various flights, especially red and blue.

Still you should have fairly dark skies, unless you are in Peterborough.

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Thanks for the tips and advice chaps, and yes i did mean astronomy lol was late when i wrote that thread so forgive my blondeness.

I actually live right on the Norfolk/Cambridgeshire/Lincolnshire borders (ok i live in Wisbech lol) but i took those images by the wash between Long Sutton and Kings Lynn, well away from any light pollution.

Shall read those tips on capturing star fields, and ill try again sometime this week, my goal is to capture the whole of the sky and stitch the images together, but thats quite an ambitious project =oD

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Top picture looks like you got the Plough constellation. Bottom one I can't make out. :(

Btw - Kelling Heath near Cromer is holding a star party weekend after next - worth a day out if you're interested.

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Oh the top image is clearly the plough, but i cant tell the other one at all lol

Shall go to kelling heath i think, been a while since i was in that area so ill look into a night out there with the other half if she lets me (i can beg)

Cheers for the welcomes, and for not beating me to a pulp for mistakenly typing "astrology" instead of "astronomy" =o)

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