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Skywatcher Explorer 150P EQ3-2

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Ok so now I'm learning more about what to look for in telescopes and what not. I'm eyeing up a particular model as my first telescope purchase - as seen in the title:

Homepage - Skywatcher Explorer 150P EQ3-2

I'd like to know a little more from any users of this scope (past or present) and what performance it gives. Being new to astronomy I think I'd like to maybe target some of the DSO's, galaxies and nebulae, but I also don't want to rule off lunar and planetary observing. I'd like to know how this reflector performs in those situations.

I'm budgeting myself at an absolute maximum of £300 so thought this 'scope would fall nicely within that bracket while still having some leftover cash for any accessories I might want - once again any advice would be appreciated.

Gareth :headbang:

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I have the 150PL scope, the slightly longer F8 one, and I'm very happy with it. It has been an excellent first scope for me, and I'm sure that it, or the shorter 150P, would be for you too.

I think atm the 150P is perhaps a better buy as it somes with an improved 1.25"/2" focuser, which the PL version doesn't seem to have yet. But then again the 150PL at F8 is a nice middle of the road scope that will be more forgiving on the eyepieces used with it...

I think either one would be an excellent starter scope for you, I've certainly got lots of use and enjoyment out of mine :headbang:


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The focuser on the 150P is a dual 1.25" / 2" crayford, whereas the 150PL one seems to only take 1.25" eyepieces. It all depends on what you want to use the telescope for really. The 2" focuser is good if you want to use very widefield EPs, or if you want to get in to imaging with a DSLR...

Personally I've got hooked on DSO imaging, and I wish my 150PL had a 2" focuser ;)

Whatever scope you get will be awesome, don't worry about that :p I was blown away at the first views I got!

Best off to get a good all rounder scope, like the ones you're looking at, and see what kind of things take your interest. Then you can be a bit more specific as to the requirements of your second scope... And if you get bitten by the bug there will be a second scope! :headbang:

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Hi Gareth I have the 150p and it is a brilliant scope.

BUT ! I would ask you to search through some past threads about beginner scopes as you need to consider what you want to use the scope for.

If it is going to include some basic imaging then yes add the 150p or 150pl to any list you have of scopes to consider as they can be motorised at a future date all the way up to full GOTO .

If it is going to be a scope purely for visual observation I would urge you to also consider a Dobsonian mounted scope.

With a £300 budget you could do a lot worse than one of Skywatchers own range of Dobs and using the FLO link at the top of the page you can check them out.

A cracking company and Steve is a good bloke to deal with.


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Thanks for your post, Kev. I've more or less disregarded Dobsonians for two main reasons: the first you've already mentioned in that in due course with more experience I'd probably expand the hobby into astrophotography so would like the option of being able to choose a GOTO mount in the future, should I wish to.

The second is that LP is a big problem where I live (even worse once I've moved house) so need a more portable scope to take with me to the more remote sites further out in the countryside.

I think that lunar/planetary observing has a greater appeal to me although I wouldn't entirely rule out deep sky observation - I'd just prefer to look at something closer to home :headbang: so any recommendations would be appreciated. I'm probably barking up entirely the wrong tree!

Thanks again,

Gareth :p

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I'm not sure if portability is a major issue with a Dob Gareth, it doesn't take up any more room than a GEM setup and it is set up and running very quickly but I take your point about venturing into imaging and the Crayford focuser fitted to the 150p is a nice addition

Before I chose my 150p I listened to various members feedback and the consensus seemed to be that the 150p would pretty much do everything that the 150pl would do but also somethings that the 150pl couldn't do so easily, such as widefield views of DSO's and at F5 the 150p isn't ultra fast so it would still be quite tolerant eyepiece wise and it's easy peasy to collimate.

From a personal view however I should have saved my pennies a bit longer and got the SW 200mm Dob.

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I have the 150P. Definitely get that over the 150PL (if you come down to a choice between the two) the focuser is much better and gives you an easy way to use 2" EPs - which you will want to do.

I have it on the slightly larger EQ5 mount but I doubt that makes too much difference. The EQ3-2 looks perfectly good. The views through it are superb. As you will no doubt have read, aperture is king, so a larger scope will likely give you better views, especially of DSOs. That said, a 6" scope will give you plenty to look at!

I got the scope based on the fact that I wanted to dabble with photographs through it. I am split 50/50 on whether it was the right scope for me. Sometimes I love that I can attach the camera piggy back for some widefield, or to the scope for some big close ups of the moon. But on other nights I wish I'd gone for a bigger dob so that I could see even more.

There is probably no such thing as the perfect scope, you'll always wish it could do something else. But whichever scope you do decide on, will give you lots of happy nights under the stars. Don't worry too much, just get one and enjoy it.

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It's a pity you're not a bit closer to Leeds Gareth, You would be welcome to try my 150p.

I've got the original eyepieces to try, some Meade 4000 Plossls, the 6x30 finder and an RDF.

You could have had a play and seen if the 150p suited your needs.

I'm in the same situation as you so finding sky devoid of LP would be the main problem. :headbang:

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I had one until recently and found it to be a fantastic scope - great value for money. Remember that observing takes a bit of time and patience though. Under good conditions Saturn/Jupiter/Moon/M42 etc are superb. But don't expect everything to look great the first time you use it and get disappointed. Alot of galaxies and nebula that are amazing in photos will only ever be faint and fuzzy in the eyepiece of your average amatuer scope, ie don't expect the HST. I've got the 200mm version now but if I had to go back a few years and buy my first scope again I would still get the 150mm. I spent many many hours observing with mine and can highly recommend it.

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It's a pity you're not a bit closer to Leeds Gareth, You would be welcome to try my 150p.

Thanks for the offer, Kev, but unfortunately closest I'll be to Leeds will be a week tomorrow and that'll only be as far as Sheffield. I think this 'scope will fit the bill now I just need to get a job to justify buying it! Damn you recession! :headbang:

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Hi Gareth

I have the 150P and love it, the focuser is lovely and smooth, and it's easy to use and set-up. The EQ3-2 is a pretty good mount, and I find it really easy to set-up and polar align.

So far I've had some fantastic views of M42, M45, Mars, the moon of course and some fantastic viewing of Saturn and it's moons. :)

The weather hasn't been too great recently, so not had that many good viewing nights. ;)

I researched for weeks on which one to go for, and opted for the P because of it's focuser and that it would be slightly better for DSO's.

Having said that, whichever you go for, it'll be a great scope.


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