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2 clear nights in a row - from Mars to DSOs

Mark at Beaufort

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What can I say 2 excellent nights in a row.

Tuesday - checked out NGC 2244 and the Rosette Neb (2237) using UHC and my new O111 filter. Neb clearly visible in both filters. Also checked out some nice clusters and other DSOs in the area NGC 2264 (christmas tree), 2301 (hagrid's dragon OC), 2353 (avery's island OC), 2440 (albino butterfly PN in Puppis). Switch over to Ursa Major and had my best view ever of M81, M82, M108 and M97.

Wednesday - better transparency than Tuesday. Started with the Trapezium - I cannot believe how easy it was to see stars E and F after so many previous failed attempts. Feeling lucky I attempted to view NGC 2261 Hubble's Variable Neb - never seen with other previous scope but it was so clear in the 10" Dob. Dropped down to Canis Major to view M41 and over to M46 and M47. Within M46 is a lovely PN - NGC 2438 which I had not detected before. Further over to M48 and then to NGC 2539 a lovely OC.

Finally ended the night, with snow all around me, to view Mars. It was so clear with the 4mm TMB planetary EP and a Baader Neodymium and with/without a No12 yellow filter. Polar ice cap jumped out together with other surface markings.

So Tuesday and Wednesday wil go down and some of the best.


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Sounds a wonderful night.......i'm well envious. And you got a good haul of targets.

Within M46 is a lovely PN - NGC 2438 which I had not detected before.

I've not seen that myself, so will add that to my list of things to see.

Did you stay with the 10" dob for Mars or did you switch to the AR6?


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Ah the Eskimo, such a great PN and nicely enhanced with the OIII. I normally do a tour of the open clusters in Auriga and then drop into Gemini for the Eskimo.

The 10" dob is such a versatile scope. Be interesting to hear how the AR6 compares.


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Lovely report Mark, you are making me envious as I had tom be up 04.30 both mornigs for work so didn't bother going out.

Ain't it strange that you find the Trapezium easy after all those agonising failed attempts, maybe the transparancy was perfect those nights.

I agree M46 and it's lovely PN NGC 2438 are stunning. How are you finding your O111 and it's green tint, it took me a while to get used to that.

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Mick - I am very lucky especially having such a dark sky on my east/west horizon. Not sure about the O111 filter yet. Rosette neb was ok but no better than the UHC. Need to try it out on other objects especially PN.

You are going to enjoy the dark skies of Herefordshire at SGL5 and hopefully I will get a chance to view through your 16" Dob.


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Mick - I am very lucky especially having such a dark sky on my east/west horizon. Not sure about the O111 filter yet. Rosette neb was ok but no better than the UHC. Need to try it out on other objects especially PN.

You are going to enjoy the dark skies of Herefordshire at SGL5 and hopefully I will get a chance to view through your 16" Dob.


Mark, give M97 a try with the OIII. It's well placed at the moment and i found it responded extremely well. I can't say how it compares to the UHC though as i sold the Orion Ultrablock in Jan 2009. I had no overlap with both filters. But i do remember the Ultrablock working well too, so as you say, there may not be too much of difference.

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I've had a couple of clear spells since returning to UK, however I'm just not getting the seeing for the DSOs. Perhaps I'm still adjusting to the LP around here. I have, though, been able to gain good focus on both Saturn and Mars, although pushing any decent magnification is working yet. I shall look again at my collimation before sundown.

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