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Been cloudy here all day, that horrid grey no sun no shadows hot humid type of weather. Then about 4pm it started to rain, really huffed it down. I was quite pleased as the sky cleared after then and it started to look like a nice clear night. Checked the weather forcast, no realy chance of rain in my area so i setup (ok it only took 5 mins but still). Got all my bits out, went to align the scope and realised i couldn't see anything. Looked around only to discover that whilst i'de been setting up a bank of mist or fog or something had decended. It just got thicker and thicker. Now i can't see my shed..... Let alone any stars. The worse thing is there are NO clouds!!

Maybe it will clear. Heres to hopeing. I might just open that bottle of red instead. Sigh.

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I was collared with the old "just sit and chat for a bit" line. No clouds, no fog, cool outside with no noisy teenagers, beer in the fridge, Nikon emptied, laptop fully charged, power tanks fully charged and neighbours in bed asleep.

Tonight I need the sleep so that I can get up for work.

Ces't la vie.

Captain Chaos

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