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Iridium 18


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Not a very bright one, only mag -3 at my location but it

served its purpose.

Normally I set my camera fixed on a tripod and open the shutter for a few

seconds to catch the flare.

With this one, I mounted the camera on my motorised barn door and

opened the shutter for 1 minute, timed to coincide with the flare half way through

the exposure.

I'll use this method again because it gives a nice background to the flare

and puts it in context with that part of the sky.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Nice shot. I'll have to try one. Actually, -3 is pretty bright even if they do get up to -8 sometimes. I saw one at 0 a couple of nights ago. Almost didn't realize it was a flare, as the sky was a little hazy, and I thought it was an ordinary satellite.

Good job!

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