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Street Lights


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Thought you might all like this, its a news story about Essex council. They are considering turning off street lights between midnight and 5 am. I know I'm hoping my council follows suit and turns the ones around us off. Although i would have to stay up past my bed time to talk advantage of it. :D But then i would be able to see more fuzzies so would be wroth it!


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Quite right to..

A simple no cost adjustment which, if all councils followed suite

would save billions of pounds and would be a major step forward in

environmental care.

Not that I have a bias toward dark nights :D

Come on Mr Blair, tell all those councils to turn those fuel wasting light off :whip2:

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I was reading something the other day, apparently they're trying to pass a law to remove standby from all electronic equipment, instead you'll go back to just simple off and on. They say it will save enough electricity to meet our carbon targets... I guess the street light iniative is in a similar vein... all good news!

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Just so long as the off situation doesn't lose all the settings. My mum tried turning everything off as instructed by a nice glossy leaflet through her door. The upshot was I had to drive 15 miles, I had to have her video and TV on (not standing by and nobody "using" it) for half an hour to re-tune all the channels. And that saved how much carbon?

Good news about the street lights though, they did do this in France when I was there a few years ago, makes people drive slower through built up areas as well.

Captain Chaos

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Just so long as the off situation doesn't lose all the settings. My mum tried turning everything off as instructed by a nice glossy leaflet through her door. The upshot was I had to drive 15 miles, I had to have her video and TV on (not standing by and nobody "using" it) for half an hour to re-tune all the channels.

If the manufacturers weren't so lazy, they could come up with a CMOS type arrangement like a cpomuetr that would save all the settings, even if you unplug the thing and move it to another room.

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Now that takes me back to my TV bodging days..

Some years back, TV's had EEprom chips to store all the tuner and control

settings. These chips were kept in state by a soldered in nicad battery.

All was fine till the battery packed in and the TV was switched off for a while, the

call would come in to re battery and re tune.

In the mining village where I worked, most folk took the annual 2 week holiday

at the same time and we purposely got a good stock in of these nicads.

Sure enough when they all came home we always had a load of calls to fix

this problem :D

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If the manufacturers weren't so lazy, they could come up with a CMOS type arrangement like a cpomuetr that would save all the settings, even if you unplug the thing and move it to another room.

Then the telly would crash and I'd be off to my mum's twice a week. Can't wait for microsoft to make TV sets.

Captain Chaos

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Good news about the street lights though, they did do this in France when I was there a few years ago, makes people drive slower through built up areas as well.

Captain Chaos

What do think one of the attractions is! apart from cheap wine, warmer weather, darker nights in summer.....................!

They still do in the smaller villages, don't know about larger towns.

Only two weeks left here, then a month of annoying the kids in England, in France from the 2nd Sept!

naz :D :D :D :D

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If the manufacturers weren't so lazy, they could come up with a CMOS type arrangement like a cpomuetr that would save all the settings, even if you unplug the thing and move it to another room.

Then the telly would crash and I'd be off to my mum's twice a week. Can't wait for microsoft to make TV sets.

Captain Chaos

Don't you know that Microsoft is about to take over Hoover? This is so they can make a product that doesn't suck!

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