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M57 with the ED80


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Well it cleared up again last night after a cloudy day, not as good as the other night as the highclouds and haze/moonglow hampered views somewhat. Managed to get the Ring Neb though with the ED80 and Canon 300D, the following images are from a stack of 27x20 secs and 4x30secs. Using the ED80 is bit of a dream no false colour around the bright stars when iam normally processing blue hue's out :D.

Here's the Orignal Pic.


And M57 cropped.


Quite happy with the results hope you are too.



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excellent images James. The ED80 is a dream of a scope......an all time classic in the class of the original C8.

You've got a superb black background on those images, did you use a filter?

Great focus btw


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Thanks Russ :D

I didnt use a filter i just processd the background light Pollution out in photoshop mainly using the black colour slider and making it more black also kept the Exposures shorter so they wouldnt pick up too much LP anything over 30 secs was washed out with moonglow i should of used the moonglow filter really :D.

It is a classic scope your not wrong there Russ, i was observing M13 and the Double cluster pin sharp stars a plenty.


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