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TAL 125R second light

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FIrst time out there were only a few temporary holes in the clouds and no decent stars.

This time the sky was relatively clear and had a few bright stars visible

Turned the scope to Vega, and with the highest power lanth EP did a star test. Both the intra & extra focal images looked text book pattern. No off center rings. Vega looked a fine blue colour and very sharp when properly focussed.

Jupiter had gone behind a tree so I turned to the moon. The moon was boiling a bit too much to use the higher power EP's but looked good at 125x. In periods of better seeing the image looked tack sharp, so I grabbed the Canon DSLR and took a stack of 12 images at prime focus. Downloaded the images looked great 'in the RAW'. I posted this image (with a small amount of processing) in the lunar section on 7 July.

Overall I'm very pleased with the TAL125R and look forward to the darker nights!


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Nice one mate, you were one of the lucky ones last night with holey cloud.

Its been a solid grey blanket here since friday...I hate this featureless cloud!

I'm glad your enjoying your new scope :)


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