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HI anybody know if need planning permission

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Has anybody built a domed observatory (in their back garden)and do you need planning permission, mine will be timber framed , 8ft square and with plastic dome 10ft height. Was going with roll on roll off shed but gone with dome I bought the book on building a roll on/off shed was not aware you need for this type could not find any reference to laws , so I not sure if the dome makes it any different thanks Timhttp://stargazerslounge.com/images/smilies/default/icon_scratch.gif

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Neither Planning Permission or Building Regulation approval is required provided that:

  • Sheds and greenhouses do not cover more than half of the area of the garden; not including the area occupied by the house.
  • It contains no sleeping accommodation and the floor area does not exceed 15 square metres.
  • No point is less than one metre from a boundary.
  • It is not more than 3m high for a flat roof, or 4m with a ridged roof.
  • No part projects beyond any wall of the house that faces a road.
  • The outbuilding is for use only by those who occupy the house.

Building Regulations do state that structures built of combustible material (i.e. a wooden shed) must be at least 2 metres from the main house. :icon_eek:

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Hi Tim, I cant really answer your question, although what i would say, is that it may depend on its location on respect of how far it is from the house or other buildings and the houses that surround yours, and your neighbours thoughts on the idea. Hope that helps although its not much information.


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It generally depends on the particular planning authority where you live and what their particular 'requirements' are regarding outbuildings..

There are standard rules regarding proximity to roads, other boundaries and generally not encouraged in front gardens...

There can also be particular covenant/rules for individual properties or streets that may be declared on deeds..

Another major factor is whether neighbours complain or not....

Most authorities don't bother with anything unless someone actually brings it to their attention...

Worth a tactical phone call to your local planning office just to see what the guidelines are for a start.


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There was a comprehensive thread on this site earlier this year


There is a goverment site which gives further info.


An observatory dome is classed as a flat roof structure - despite my debate with my local authority. I advise that you involve your local authority planning dept. from the start, it did aid me especially when a mere passer by reported it as an un-authorised development when it was up.

Note that anybody regardless of whether they live in your area or not are entitled to question whether your development is "legal" or not with the local authority and that the fact it could be classed as a temporary structure is irrelevant.


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It will also depend on whether there is public right of way close to the property as well.

Write to your local authority describing what you propose to build. They will have an official form for you fill in. In all likelyhood you won't need planning permission. I didn't need it for my dome in my old house, (I kept the letter informing me I didn't) so imagine my surprise when I was told I needed it when I moved house, and that was within the same planning authority, and being exactly the same structure...

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I'd have a word with your local planning department. Its just so you are on safe ground if someone objects after the event. Most local authroties are happy to help on this kind of thing and will be able to give you solid advice which will protect you from objections later on or even punch ups with your home insurance company.

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I think this is where the roll-off shed type of observatory can be appreciated...

To the untrained eye it is just a shed and unlikely to attract much attention, at times when it is obviously something else then it will be dark..

also ... (not that I live in an urban area myself) I think that they are less likely to attract interest from the less lawful... again looks like a shed..

a dome however... that says there is something inside that somebody has invested their hard earned into...


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Contacted local planning sending me out a form call unofficial planning consent will cost me £12 to do but hopefully will stop any idiots objecting for no good reason again thanks for all your help (I hope they say it's fine as it almost built)

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