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Telescope Covers

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Ok, so I've got my shiny new 'scope (See sig). At the moment I'm keeping it in the utility room which opens straight into the garden, but I was thinking......

I've seen aluminised 'scope covers on the Widescreen centre and Telescope House sites and was wondering if they're ok for leaving the mount or whole 'scope outside for long periods, if so what sort of time would you recommend, or are they just for covering the 'scope for a few hours of fine weather while it cools.

It's not as though I can't carry the HEQ out to the main site, but if I could just whip the cover off and be observing in a few minutes, that would be brill.

I'd love a proper obsy, but the garden isn't wide enough to accommodate one without digging up some borders, and besides I need to move positions to see certain areas of the sky.


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Hi Dave,

I have used a Telegizmo 365 cover and keep my entire setup outside 24/7 for over a year. It works a treat and all my kit retains perfect condition. Sometimes rust forms on the screw fittings, but that's all.

One particular advantage (amongst many) is that the scope stays at ambient temperature.

IMHO it's brilliant and is the best thing I've done for the hobby as I can be out, polar aligned and good to go in less than 5 mins.


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Another vote for the Telegizmo 365 here. Bought mine direct from manufacturer a few years ago. He made me a special size at no extra cost and when it entered UK it managed to avoid the the dreaded customs charge! What a result. Great piece of workmanship and worth every penny.

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I bought an deluxe patio heater cover from argos as they were reduced from £30 to £5 recently. They are fully waterproof and do it for me. The only thing I would mention is that some condensation may form inside if left out on grass or soil as it can get a little warm inside in strong sun in the summer so make sure you leave a gap at the bottom to vent it.

Obviously an aluminised one would be better at reflecting the sun.



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A big thankyou to Adamsp123. Recently I bought a 6" Achro f8 refractor from NickH - its big. Sometimes after a lengthy observing session I just want to leave the scope outside. Its mounted on a CG5 + pillar extension so its very heavy and high - great for this frac. I have been looking to a reasonable cover, not too expensive and ok for leaving the scope out just overnight.

Well this thread has provided the ideal cover from Argos and better still its in the nationwide sale at £6.52 - half price. I have just returned from Argos and it fits the scope plus most of the mount - wonderful.

Thanks Pete.


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