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Hi everyone,

I had an idea of putting together a newsletter based on submissions from you guys that can either be put on a specific newletter website or emailed to members once a month or so. It could include things like Ant's monthly guide, photoshop tutorials, tips, tricks, image of the month and anything else people can think of. Alot of this stuff already exists in the form of forum posts but I think it would be nice to be able to compile the best bits altogether in a newsletter.

It's just an idea, but what do you all think? Would you read it? Would you submit articles to it?

I'm happy to put all the bits together assuming nobody else want's to because I don't really have any astro knowledge to pass on... It opens up alot of scope for other ideas (imagine, the UK's largest community created astronomy magazine :) ) and I think it could be very helpful for newbies like me and be enjoyable for everyone!



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I'm really busy at the mo, I'll give this some thought but my first impressions are, good idea but this will involve a fair bit of work to constantly get something interesting into the newsletter.

TBH at the moment I'm really struggling to get the september monthly guide completed... Let alone anything else.


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Good idea, it would be an easy way to keep up to date. Is there any reason why it has to be a month though? An 'as and when' schedule would allow a lot for flexibility. Some months may be quiet or the complier of the newsletter may be too busy.

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... An 'as and when' schedule would allow a lot for flexibility. Some months may be quiet or the complier of the newsletter may be too busy.

Hi Grant,

Credit to you for being prepared to do it as I suspect Ant is right when he says it will be a lot of work.  Though I am still quite new to astro I have 20+ years in photo/optical/astro retail and give talks on digital imaging/optics to local photo & astro clubs.  I would be pleased to contribute on an 'as & when' basis, if required. 

Steve  :)

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I think you guys are right, it should be an as and when type thing, this makes me think that instead of having a newsletter, where you have to wait for enough articles then publish it, it might be better to have a wiki, a wiki is basically like http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Main_Page every page is editable by users and users can create new pages, so we could create what would basically be an astronomy knowledge base, people could add to it simply by typing in a box much like you do on the forums here.

I'm still talking in the hypothetical really because it would take a few people that are really into the idea for it to be worthwhile doing.



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Hi Grant,

How about this: Have a FAQ section where each question is answered with a short explanation that includes links to revelant posts/discussions.  Over time, it would continuously grow and adapt into a very useful resource...  Just a thought. 

Steve  :)

Here is an example from a yahoo group for Dobsonian owners:

What other EPes should I get besides Orion's 25mm and 9mm?

   Everybody has their favorites, all for different reasons and purposes. What do you want to look at? You have to ask yourself this first. No one EP fits the bill for everything (sorry). Also, check out these Excel files to easily show you magnification for different eyepieces [120, 277]: XT4.5, XT6, XT8, and XT10.

   Panoptic 22mm is good [82, 342], but expensive. Lanthanum (non-superwide) EPs do not work so well in fast (less than f/6) scopes [333], though some may disagree [518]. Nagler EPs have wide field, sharp images, but not as much contrast as Radian. Celestron Ultimas are also suggested.

   Various threads discuss all this: Orion's eyepiece set? [214], EP Advice [504], IF you had to pick just one [538], High power Radians for the XT8 [565], RE: wide angle eyepieces [1025], High Power Eyepiece..... Preferences? [1077], High Power Wide Angle Eye Piece [1092], GTO eyepieces [1226], University Optics [1236], New XT6 Owner - Eyepiece Input Wanted [1500], meade swa [1548], Orion Lanthanum Superwide 42 mm With the XT 10? [1667], radian or nagler? [1686], Message to Suzanne: Orion Optiluxe 32 mm ep [1690], eyepiece advise [1794], The Beauty of a Premium Eyepiece [1816], Eyepieces for a refractor and a Dob [1927], Help with Eyepieces [1962], Siebert Optics Eyepieces [2048], High Power EP for XT8 [2159], Nagler Eyepiece 7mm or 9mm for XT8 [2203], XT8 as first telescope; suggested accessories? [2228], University Optics [2340] and Orion 22 mm Lanthanum SuperWide EP [2440].

   Also, Weatherman [1195] and Cloudy Nights [2187] have extensive reviews.

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That's a really cool idea, it could even be a seperate forum category, which would work exactly like you say, each topic in that category would be a question, so people could either answer the question, or post links answering that question either to websites or to other threads.

What do other people think? It would be useful because it would save keep answering the same questions and would be a great resource.


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What do other people think? It would be useful because it would save keep answering the same questions and would be a great resource.


As you say, a lot of the questions are repeated over time. Perhaps a 'topped' "read this first" thread with links to to the theads of commonly asked questions.

It's doesn't bother me at all but I know it bugs a lot of people on some forums when posters ask a question that a quick search of the forums wouldv'e turned up the answer to. There was a bit of a ding dong on Cludynights a month or so ago because a guy had posted a "searchable" question in mulitiple forums (I know, fora!!), but the guy had just bought his first scope and was asking for EP recommendations, he was just a bit excited and raring to go! I'd hate to get into that situation on this site when a genuine question was answered with "Read the F-ing top post" type replies (I'm sure it'd never happen around here though!! :))

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I think that sort of knowledge base would be a great idea, i personally wouldn't every have a go at someone because they asked a question that had been asked before - often it's these questions that are asked in a first post. The last thing that you want to do is alienate a new member on their first post...


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