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Bubble Reqork V2


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Yep, just spotted that. Can't see for looking sometimes....

Very nice mate :D, you can see where the time has gone into it. If I have a criticism (and it's a very minor one) I think you've very slightly overdone the smoothing (noise ninja?) and you've lost some of the detail because of it.


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Yes it was noise ninja. OK, a little too much, then.

Have been looking again this morning in daylight, and I would agree. Also, some hot pixels have made it through, so need to work on them....

Thanks for the feedback everyone!

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Noise ninja is great, but it does get rid of the bits you want to keep as well.

As Steve mentioned, do the NN on a seperate layer, turn it into a mask, paint through the bits you want to keep sharp, blur the edges of your painting a little, then invert the mask, and set the blend opacity to something that looks right, a little at a time is best.

It is dead easy, but not easy to explain :D Richie Jarvis showed me another trick from Ken Crawford website as well, where in effect you do the opposite, and selectively sharpen the very edges of the details. Again, easier to demo than to explain. Worth watching Kens videos though.

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Very impressive Daz, you've done a great job on the processing as far as I can see (my work monitor doesn't show dim areas very well so can't comment on those). You've done a great job on the bubble itself to show the bright detail without burning it out

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