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Heart nebula


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Hi all,

I did my 1st IC 1805 and used the 350d with the Canon EF 200 LII.

12x600s with ISO 800.

I had problems with guiding correctly. And the processing was very difficult for me because there are so many stars in the field. So I did the defensive way. I will try this object again an make some things better. :D I think this area is it worth!


and larger:




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Excellent Werner! The stars are tight and round right to the edge. This area is notoriously difficult to process, and you have made the most of what you have without overdoing it.

I think you have a FOV capable of getting this side by side with the soul nebula, it would be great (and unusual) to see the two side by side, i'd be very keen to see that picture :D

Well done, great result, thanks for posting it.


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Thanks a lot for your nice comments.

At the next time I will try to get the soul nebula in the same field. I have to change the way how I put the Canon on the mount. So I can turn the field how I want.


The Canon EF 200 L II is a good lens for astrophotography. I use always f/3.5. Here one of my best results with it: http://www.prokyon.startime.at/Bilder/Rho_Ophiuchus_new.jpg



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Crikey Werner!! The pic in the link is an absolute stunner!! Beautiful shot, simply beautiful. Have you posted that here on SGL before? And if not, could you please, in its own thread? That deserves to be seen!

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The devil is in the detail Werner :D

The second image looks better when put side by side with the first. I think sometimes we look at them closely for so long we forget to stand back and check out the whole.

Please, could you post that Rho image in its own thread. It is something we cant really do from the UK and so is a real treat.


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