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M27 - versus, versus versus


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A little while ago I spent 8 hours on m27 with my 8" GSO/QHY8 combination, a couple of nights ago I spent just over two hours on the same target with a Skywatcher Mak-Newt 190 and SXV-H9 mono camera with Baader 7nm Ha and OIII filters.

With the size of the chips and the focal length of the telescope there is a vast difference in image scale obviously, and as the MN190 image is just Ha and OIII data, the RGB colours are effectively false, although I was pleased to see the star colours coming round to what they are in the proper RGB version.

I got the GSO and QHY8 combination feeling that the duo of a fast (f4) tube together with a One Shot Colour camera would enable me to get more out of the limited clear sky time we seem to get here in the UK.

I probably should have delved a little deeper, and looked at NB filters a bit more, as the new M27 pic was captured with half a moon in the sky, and in a quarter of the time of the other image, with a slower telescope, through a 7nm filter!

Oh well, such is life :)

This is my third image with the MN190, and getting to grips with it is proving very pleasurable indeed. I'd heard it was good, and I am very pleased with the results so far. See what you think.

7 x 600 secs Ha + 7 x 600 secs OIII (HaO3O3) with darks/flats/bias.

Captured in Nebulosity2, guiding PHD/DSI with TS 9mm OAG, MN190 on an EQ6 Pro. Shame about the jpegging really.

Thanks for looking.




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Yes Steve, i'm very impressed with the flatness, it is such a relief not to see stars bloating or stretching in the corners, and much less work in processing putting things "right". I'll put a bigger chip camera on it to see how that fares just as soon as I stop having fun with the H9.......could take a while :)

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