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Jupiter - playing hard to get


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Finally got the NS8 on Jupiter, seeing was about 5/10 but lots of cloud was a bigger problem. Unable to grab 2 mins of constant exposure. So far the only time I have seen Jupiter with good was at the star party when had to make do with the ED80.

So this was with the NS8 and x2 barlow slightly pulled out giving about F22 I guess. 2 min avi at 5fps. Stacked in registax with 30% of frames selected. I have had a play with the wavelets. Would be interested to hear what you think.

The best I could come up with


Very gentle sharpening using wavelets 4-6 only.


Moderate sharpening using wavelets 3-6 and a bit more heavily than above


Heavy sharpening using all the wavelets. Well over cooked but although coarser I think there is a little more detail pulled out.


Just looking forward to that crystal clear night with rock solid seeing :D

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Hi Martin,

Looking good matey!

Try this, in Registax after the stacking has completed and your on the wavelets page adjust the contrast so Jupiters has no or very little burnt out bit's or the Gamma lowering, then alter your wavelets using the first 2 bars and the 4th bar.

See if that helps with the processing Martin, with jups in my past images i have always got better results doing this..


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Thanks James. Tried what you suggested and here is the result along with an adjustment to the hue - looks a bit more dramatic! Not sure about the 1st 2 wavelets on Jupiter though. Soon makes things very noisy. Dropping the contrast is ok on my laptop monitor but I bet when I look at it on my other monitor it will look like a big mac!


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Loaded up your image in Photoshop Martin and changed the contrast of each RBG channel and then altered the levels of each RBG channel. Added a little blur for the noise..

See what ya fink mate.


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Hi Martin, i think the first image is the best to my eyes, Jupiter does need very good conditions, as you can now see, i have always felt that it has to be near the mark of a good image with very little processing , waveletts are pretty useless i think if the quality is not there, so thats why i say the first image is best ,if i was you i would be happy with that one .



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Thanks chaps. The rework looks a bit psychadelic on my work monitor James.

Rog you're right of course on use of the wavelets. The image did tolerate and improve with some gentle sharpening (which the top image has had). My star party Jupiter sharpened really well but was with the ED80. Would love to get a chance in those conditions with the NS8

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Hi Martin,I do like your 1st image.

I've looked hard at the other image's,& for me,there seem's to be a little to much prosessing,which to my eye's ,has lost some of the detail in the image. :shock:

I don't know how the saying go's,,,,but sometimes less gives more.

You guy's imaging Jupiter at the mo must be having a hard time, cos my last look was awful due to the declination.

Still, first one for me Martin....Nice one Mick. :thumbup:

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Nice images Martin :D

Number 2 for me, and then the 2nd re-edit from JD!

I can't get it from the back garden, so I'm waiting for an excuse to go to a dark site......

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