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Tal vs Skywatcher

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I'd appreciate anyones comments on how my little Tal 1 compares in quality to say a Skywatcher Explorer 150 / 200 or Skyliner 200 dob. I've only had the Tal for a month, but I'm bitten by the bug and therefore have aperture fever! I've found some additional funding, about enough to go for a new Skyliner 200 or bigger second hand item.

I've read a lot of comments on how good the Tals are quality wise, and have found mine to be highly satisfactory. I'm hoping I won't see a drop in build quality, or at least not enough for a total novice to notice. I've only ever used the Tal so I'm totally in the dark (not that it gets very dark in my back garden!) where other manufacturers are concerned.

I'd like the opportunity to get a better look at the fuzzies, which are just about visible in my location with the Tal, when the moon and planets aren't about.


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I have the Skywatcher 200 OTA which purchased with the EQ5 mount. The OTA is the same as the SKyliner 200 (as far as I know) and I have to say, the scope performs brilliantly. Unfortunately I had to part with my EQ5 due to shortage of funds, but I'm in the process of converting the OTA into a dob.

For the price, I dont think the SKywatcher range can be beat. Both the optical and mechanical quality is spot on, in my opinion. I'd go with the Skyliner 200 if I were you.


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I own a Tal 1 and a Skywatcher 200 and they are both very good scopes.

I find the skywatcher to be well constructed and it certainly gives great views.

There have been a few for sale recently, second hand, at very reasonable prices.

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IMHO, many years ago, Tal's mirrors did outperform Skywatcher's (Synta). This was mostly because Tal used regular spherical mirrors (Tal-1 and Tal-2) with focal-ratios around f7-8 whereas Skywatcher's were typically around f5 (faster and more ambitious). To achieve this Skywatcher manufactured more complex parabolic mirrors. Spherical mirrors are easier/cheaper to grind and polish to a high surface accuracy so for a while Tal had the edge but today Skywatcher are machining-grinding and polishing parabolic mirrors to a much higher accuracy that routinely matches or exceeds the Tal mirrors.


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Thanks for the replies, much appreciated. I just have to decide now on either a new Skyliner 200 or a 2nd hand 200p. If I go new it'll obviously be through FLO, I bought a camera adapter last week off them and was very impressed with the service!

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Neil, apart from the difference in focal ratio (f5 for the 200P, f6 for the skyliner 200) I guess the only real question is, that sort of mount do you want? Which ever one you do choose though, it'll show you loads more than the TAL1. Going from 4 and a bit inches to 8 is a real and noticeable jump, you'll enjoy the views out of either one :).


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I'm not quite in the same league as Mr Capes, although I can struggle through three doors without dismantling!

Unfortunately 'she who must be obeyed' wouldn't put up with two scopes cluttering up the dining room, so I'd need to offload the Tal which is a bit sad. It would also release much needed additional funding.

I'd prefer the equatorial mount as I've found this useful, but would also like the additional aperture (I'm probably not the first to be in this quandry!). I have seen an Orion Optics 10 inch Europa on an eq mount with RA drive for somewhere close to my budget and am wondering how these compare?

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Yeah, if youre Chuck Norris :)

Good to hear Mr Norris getting a mention,we had a bit of fun mentioning his name on another forum :)

Neil id recommend trying as many different scopes as possible,

then you will find which type suits you best.


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