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Hi, advice for new comer!


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Hi there, totally new to this site and also to forums so appoligies for any mistake! I was out tonight (about 23.15) and saw a fairly large and bright orange glow in the sky, it moved quite slowly and eventually disappeared altogether. Never seen anything like it, anyone know what this would be?? cheers

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When you say glow, do you mean there was no distinct shape to it, and what direction was it moving, could you hear any noise that might have been coming from it. Also, how high in the sky would you say it was. Straight up, or much lower than that.

There are things called Chinese Lanterns that often are seen in the sky. They are usually Orange coloured, and move quite slowly, so a possibility you saw one of those.

Welcome to SGL by the way Sporry. You can post a message introducing yourself in the Welome Section. Let us know what your interests are in astronomy.


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Thanks for al your replies, sounds like that may be what it was, there was no sound as as as I could tell, it was quite low in the sky. I tried to get the image on my phone but couldn't. Thanks v. much for your advice. L

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