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Just had a go at 'de-blurring' the central square of this image, using FocusMagic. Hope I haven't breached any copyright by doing this. The shadow indeed does suggest a top-heavy object, wider at the top than the bottom.

I'm no 'conspiracy theorist', but what's the origin of this piccy?


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Hopefully now all those complete w**sacks who thought we didn't land, can crawl back under the stones they crawled out of in 1969...

Capricorn One was a good film...end of...

NIce one Arthur for the link

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Where are you now Mr Conspiracy Theorist?


Nothing will convince those loons. Heres a response someone posted in the Astronomy section of an Irish general forum. I've had to edit out the bad language.

hah ! proof me **** !

a tiny dot in black and white ?

gimme a ******* break

they are going to have to do a lot better than that to kill the rumours .

you are talking color and in alot better resolution . at min .

any **** could mock these up .

the 11 site looks wrong even from this distance , compared to the so called photos they took - the shadow cast is way to big for half a LEM .

if they were that serious , they would be color and hi res.

nasa has cameras that can read a ******* newspaper from 200 miles up , so this is ******

im all for seeing real proof , and will accept it if its convincing - this is not .

we will see, if the closer images are better, but if they aint in color , forget it

I read several morons exclaim that they must be fake because google earths satellite imagery of earth is so clear. They wouldn't even believe us when we explained that Google earth switches to aerial photography when you zoom in far enough.

As for the post I quoted above wanting colour :)

It just reminds me of New Scientists Moon Landing caption competition this week. One entry for something Armstrong should have said was.....

For those viewers watching on Black and White TV's...You're not missing much!


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Superb images, I love these.

As for the tinfoil hat brigade, you'll never convince some people whatever you do ... I've got relatives in the states who believe the shuttle launches are fakes. There's just no point getting into arguments with them. I'll bet there are already sites up 'showing' how these have been manipulated.

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Sweet, at last the pictures everyone wanted :) There are to be more pcitures at 3x resolutions at the next passes :headbang:

BTW : As for the tinhat brigade, most of them are yanks and would have a problem even pointing out the moon for you.

Loving this picture :)


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Sad, as many of the smartest people in the world are "yanks" many of them great guys...

Sad that a nation's brush can get tarred due to a somewhat significant minority of plonkers..

I love these shots...

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Great images.

Now I used to be a 'conspiracy theorist' before I educated myself and got into astronomy. However, I thought the recent moon probes were able to capture images as close as 50cm away I'm sure I recalled this being said on the July Sky at Night program?

Also If I were a 'conspiracy theorist' the images above still wouldn't satify me. (but I'm not any more)



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i was a mentor at a summer school at the uni of strathclyde, helping with the astrophysics challenge.

the challenge was of investigate the moon hoax claims.

even those without much scientific interest could debunk most with just two brain cells rubbing together.

some of the claims really are stupid, even more stupider that those who make them.

yet more proof that man did go to that bright ball in the sky.

the higher res pics will be even more interesting.


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I downloaded the raw image of the apollo 14 site possibly spotted some more trails. They seem to roughly match the eva traverse map form this map.

Sorry for the rubbish processing.



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You cant really defeat a conspiracy theorist by proof - conspiracy theory requires a kind of closed world mentality. As one argument become untenable to them they just retreat into a smaller box. Its a kind of nested series of boxes - you can never reach the end of them no matter how much proof you supply.

If you took a lunar landing conspiract theorist to the site and showed him the lunar lander, the flag and the footprints he's simply say you planted them there yesterday.

Theres something in the human condition that requires this - its not a new phenomenon by the way. Its been present throughout history with people claiming everything from Richard the Third surviving through to Fairies at the bottom of the garden.

You have to ask yourself though why NASA would have spent millions building things like the VAB, the launching systems, the rockets themselves if they could fake it all not to mention the fact that the conspiracy would have to include just about everyone in the US, aerospace, defence and electronics industryand it would have to be leakproof so that no one ever divulged the truth.

Even the CIA couldnt manage that with MK-ULTRA with a much smaller group of people involved and the key players under real threat to life and limb if they ever spoke about it.

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Indeed ... if the Conspiracy theorists reckon then the original footage etc was faked... then obviously these latest images are as well... :)

But then you have things like the lunar retro reflectors that are still used to take pulsed laser time of flight measurements to measured the distance to the moon etc...

Is it true that MJ was seen on the lunar surface chatting to Elvis by the London Bus? :)

The Hi-res ones should be amazing... :headbang:


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Is it true that MJ was seen on the lunar surface chatting to Elvis by the London Bus? :)

Nah - he was driving it... that's Hitler you're thinking of.

The Hi-res ones should be amazing... :)


... should be able to read the number plate! That'd shut them up :headbang:

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This is superb imagery, it was bound to come up with definite evidence sooner or later ... but alas it won't convince the conspiracy theorists. No amount of actual photographs will. They will just bleat about 'fakes': they know all about Photoshop after all, "anyone could have done it" etc. etc.

Which is certainly true, I reckon nearly everyone on this forum could have faked piccies like those, if they were minded to! :):D:D

No, what I think totally nails down the coffin of all this conspiracy stuff, is, paradoxically, Capricorn One. A superb film which really did NASA a tremendous service, I reckon. Why? Because it highlights what is the real problem in faking a manned space mission. Consider: of the twelve men who have been to the moon and walked on its surface, nine are still alive. And not one of them has 'peached'....:)

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