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A few nights ago...?


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I took some IR Pass data for a lunar Mosaic (on 25-05-09) and had been having trouble stacking it with Registrax5 (R5).. Last night I unistalled and re-insatlled R5 which cured the problem and then spent the next 3 hours processing the 47 individual AVI's...

I Wrote what I thought were all the tiffs to a memory stick ready to create the mosaic turns out i missed the six that make up the top corner...I have the data but not with me...

Anyway a few days ago Nick Howes posted about a Microsoft Research Stiching program Microsoft ICE...

All I can say is WOW!!!!

Gave it the 41 Tiffs that I had :icon_salut: ... and a few moments later out came (a lot bigger version) this....


No more doing them by hand in CS3 for me now :cool:

DMK21AU04AS with 685 nm IR Pass on CPC800XLT @ f10 46 x 1000frame/60fps panes processed in Registrax5 and Microsoft ICE...


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Yep, thats a belter.

You are now firmly captured in the Lunar Web now Peter, and you won't escape. But why would you want to?


Have you got 64 bit Windows, or 32?

How big an advantage is having the 64 OS, And do you need any hardware changes to acommodate it?

More Important, how would it impact on my loaded progs like Maxim Starry Night and other Astro software??

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Indeed you did Paul and I haven't been ignoring your advice its only recently that I have got the equipment - in the form of the DMK21AU04AS - to try it out... I have some other higher cut-off filters which i will also want to try but they arent in 1.25" format ...


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Yep, thats a belter.

You are now firmly captured in the Lunar Web now Peter, and you won't escape. But why would you want to?


No nights off then Ron :D and if i start solar as well then there'll be no days off either :icon_salut:

Data's quick to capture but takes ages to process....the exact opposite of the DSO work I try and do :headbang:


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Damn, Peter. That's an absolutely stonking image.

Could you enlighten us non-imagers a little about what's involved in an IR pass?

I know you've got yourself a mono camera recently. Is it simply a matter of using an IR filter with your DMK?

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Instead of IR cut which blocks the longer wavelength light you use IR pass which blocks the shorter wavelegths and allows the longer wavelengths through looking throught the filter visually you see a deep red image and with some of the longer wavelength filter you see nothing at all visually... the camera however is still sensitive in these NIR regions and captures a image.

The larger the aperture of the scope you are using the longer the cutoff wavelength that you can use and still get reasonable exposure times.

As Paul has said these longer wavelenghts are effected much less by turbulent air so the result is a much sharper image compared to visible light imaging for the same seeing conditions.

OH and Download Microsoft ICE (Image Composite Editor) and you'll never have to worry about doing a mosaic again...

Here's a higher Resolution version...


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Cheers Steve51450 - Thanks for the loan of the filter - yep its a very nice add-on for the DMK - post pay day we may need to chat if theres a possibility that its "surplus to requirements" :icon_salut:

I am wondering if the 8" will handle a longer cut off though .... possibly at f10 but i doubt it would at f30...


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OKay, as is often the case we mere mortals try to tread where genius goes before us.

I downloaded ICE, and opened up 19 frames from from 04.03.09 to do a quick comparison, knowing full well how long it took me with PS photostich :icon_salut:

whatdyathink ??

This took less than a minute !! I'll certainly be using it again !!

Ps these frames were with the mono and a red #25 filter-does pretty much the same job as the IR pass..

the full size image is about 104cm in width, so this is greatly reduced.


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Brill aint it THANK YOU NICK HOWES!!! :icon_salut::headbang::cool:

I used to do them by hand and would crop and feather the individual panes and stitch them using layers in CS3...manually tweaking the exposures of each pane for best match...

Now i just select all the panes in the directory and wait a little while...and hey presto...


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That's a cracker Peter, glad you've got the mosaic business sorted.

I've just downloaded ICE, can't wait to try it on some of my old monster mosaics. Do you know if it copes with image rotation? I took a ~80 pane mosaic through a dob and at the time it took 2-3 weeks to manually rotate and crop each image - it would be so cool if this could do the job in a couple of minutes :icon_salut:

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