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Cocoon Nebula (Now with fullsize pic)


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That is great Tim, I love the fuzzy edge nicely, the dark stuff shows up well and the stars look lovely. You could come back to it when the skies are darker but you might want to move onto something else, you've done the target full justice!

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Thanks for the comments. The image was made over two nights starting at midnight each time.

On any normal night it would have been just a sea of orange murk, but here in the midlands we had exceptional transparency for a couple of nights, and the normal glow was much reduced.

Kevin, it is cropped. The first night and second night were imaged at 90 degrees to each other, and the crop is the overlapping square from the middle, if you can imagine that from your qhy8.

I'll post a full res version in a bit, these little SGL thumbnails dont do justice really.



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