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Synta 200m Mak/Cass on the way?

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Gaz/James, that's the Eclipse 200 i was trying to find reviews of. It's already on sale here in the UK for £799 inc VAT and Delivery. Was on pre-order special offer of £650, not sure it is anymore?


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£650 would be a good deal esp when you think the 150mm is nearly £500!

I don't know if SCTs are the same as Newts but if so there is a massive difference in views between 6" and 8" scopes. Well worth an extra £150.

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The difference btween a 6" and 8" is nearly twice the light gethering power.

Does make a major difference.

I remember getting the 8" for the first time, the size of the scope is HUGE in comparison to the 6" - you wouldn't think it would make much difference but it does...

There is only one thing that made me regret upraging from the 6" to the 8", asnd that was the Double Cluster in perseus! In the 6" it was nicely framed with *empty* space around it - with the 8" it filled the FOV. Although this was still a stunning sight in the 8" it was better in the 6"...

Everything was much much better in the 8".

I suppose that the answer would to just buy a lower power EP! Which I have now done and the veiws are again superb using my 2" 30mm (massive fov) EP, this gives me 33x magnification.


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I'd like to have come back with a comment about how a FR would not be the sme at all and not to be so daft. But I couldn't think of a reason why it wouldn't do what you suggested so had to resort to a personal attack :)

Thats me though no brains :) so I hit where it hurts... well actually my hand eye co-ordination isn't so good so actually I normally miss...

Oh dear!


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8" Mak would be stunning. Providing the optics are of an okay quality, should be awesome. Use an f6.3 FR to bring down to f8.3 for wider fields.

Gaz, Phil Dyer is doing the 8" for £719 inc VAT if you pre-order. I really wish i was in a position to go with it.


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Gaz, Phil Dyer is doing the 8" for £719 inc VAT if you pre-order. I really wish i was in a position to go with it.
do i hear a sale coming on? :)

Looks a great scope guy's well beyond my reach too at the moment though..

James :)

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Thanks Gaz, that's a real help. Given some more links and more close up pics of the scope, including that all important thread at the rear.

Been doing some more surfing, finding out some bits'n'bobs. The Eclipse range do use the standard SCT thread, so all Meade and Celestron accessories should fit no worries.

Also, the 8" models weigh in at 12.6Kgs. Thats the same weight as a Meade LX200 10" f10 OTA or a Celestron C11 OTA. Which means it will push, the HEQ5 or the steel tripod mounted EQ5, to the max. Ideally, it looks like an EQ6 or G11 for this baby.

Still can't find any reviews for optical performance. But I think this scope is looking like the sort of thing i want. As long as it's performance is in the same ball park as the Synta Maksutov, i'll be happy.


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12.6 kg should be within the limits of the HEQ5, I've read reports of people pushing the HEQ5 upto 18kg's - providing the scope is balanced well it's still happ even at that weight.

But I do agree that I wouldn't want to go any higher though.

Is it the front corrector that add's the weight?


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Hi Ant,

Yeah the HEQ5 should handle it no problem. With it being a short compact scope, it shouldn't pose too much trouble. I think 12.6Kg's would be close to the HEQ5's imaging limit though.

I can't believe it weighs that much.


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Check this out! Found it on the Bosma website.


And the specs:


Maksutov-Cassegrain optical system

F=2400mm D=200mm

Focus ratio: F12

Eyepieces (1.25"/31.7mm): PL10, PL25

Finderscope 7x50

Heavy duty mount

Stainless steel tripod


Eyepieces (2"/50.8mm): WA32

Illuminated reticle guiding eyepiece (1.25"/31.7mm) PL25

Illuminated finderscope 7x50

Diagonal prism (2"/50.8mm)

Guiding Scope F500 x 80

Hmmmm.....looks like some good stuff on the way.


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That was an interesting read from Gaz's link!... I feel we need more feedback on performance. I'd like to think we should see some when back in the winter months?

Shame its not a Synta though :) I'm sure Starmax 200m would be a real winner... still ya never klnow :)

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