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Scope cover whilst not in use

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Hello as seen from the photo now my gear is set up and plugged in. I intend to leave it just inside the kitchen door as seen untill I need to drag it just outside for imaging. Will a simple black bag be ok whilst it's not in use. I was worried about maybe condensation? What would you recommend? 


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I used a Weber kettle grill cover until it got hijacked to be used on an actual grill.  🙁  About US$ 15.

Lately I've been using a large polyester stuff sack with drawstring, but it's not waterproof so I don't leave it outside if there's any chance of rain.


Edited by jjohnson3803
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It looks like a sun trap where you're putting it.  In that spot I think I'd just throw over a white cotton sheet (nothing fluffy) to keep the dust off. 

If you can organise it so the OTA is horizonal that would be good too - so dust is less likely to settle on any optical surfaces.


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A fabric shower curtain works a treat - lint free, showerproof and the metal eyelets weight it down at the edges nicely. 

Only downside is the pictures of fish all over it - now if I could just find one with Death Star on it...

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Any kind of fabric to protect against dust. If you start using plastics (no air movement), at some point you'll also need to add silica gel too.

Make sure your dehumidifier keeps mold at bay in the room!

Edited by GTom
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