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Renewal of Gosport Observatory Version 2 to a classic Rolling roof design.

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This is going to be a new rebuild of my previous observatory Link here for anyone interested  

 This is just a place holder and some info on the Rebuild.

Firstly the reason is I need more space as I had a single pier and a 6ft x 6ft push off shed, the main weakness the doors kept continually drooping and to automate would have been lot of Hassel and  work to modify. As this last past winter my imaging time had been severely short I wanted to maximize very clear sky opportunity and to automate as much as possible , As of next weekend it will be the start of the new build observatory this time from scratch with the classic ROR Roof either pitch or pent style, but I will have to clear out  the old observatory first and move it to a new spot before starting on the new Observatory. 

 As before I will document and update with loads of pictures and descriptions as a handy guide as to what's happening I would be more than happy to answer an comments and questions as the build progresses.



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I look forward to your rebuild project.

I am very interested in what were issues with the old one,

I am presently seriously pondering a push away shed observatory myself.

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Posted (edited)

Hi Alan

The main issue is the double doors I have found that they have introduced  instability the structure not too much yet but enough that in so much as it leans depending where the main weight is, this in turn either seizes the doors up or I cannot close them without getting a leaver under the door or by pushing the whole frame back to true. It has gotten a lot worse this past last year but the first 3-4 years it was ok not great but ok , however over a period of years the joints have loosened up and it is getting more and more out of alignment as time progresses.

  As I have got to clear it out to remedy the worsening leaning issues, I thought it would be a good time as any to renovate renew and automate, cannot do that with current door problems,  by building a new structure on top of the decking where I can double my observatory space and possibly put in another pier or 2 to the north of the first one where the shed rolls back to now but at least I should have the main structure  back ready for the winter season. 

Edited by The storm fisherman
missing word
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  • 4 weeks later...
Posted (edited)

Apologies for No updates last couple of weeks but work comes first and the O/T  was much appreciated as I normally don't get the chance, but it all adds funds to the renovations a gear upgrades. 

Today I made a start and cleared the deck and surrounding area ready for a pressure wash and clean and cleared all the bind weed and brambles down the side will post some pics up later, I have now  stopped for today as I have a couple other things to do before I go out on town tonight.

The Plan for tomorrow is to lay the weed suppressant membrane down and plastic base for the temporary storage shed.

Edited by The storm fisherman
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Hi All

As promised some update Photos not much to show yet, but progress has started after the clean up and some weeding that alone will take some weeks.

 On todays Tasks,

  • Laid down the weed suppressant fabric and put the shed plastic grill base back on top ready for next weekend to erect the temporary  storage shed on.
  • Unpacked and checked off the parts against the Parts list and moved them down to construction area ready.
  • Pressured washed the free end of the  deck down.
  • Ordered the new aluminium mounting plates from laser master (Metal cutting service) for the top of the pier.
  • Next weekend will be erecting the Temp Storage Shed and start moving the gear across I hadn't realised how much  Ham radio gear I have accumulated. 





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  • The storm fisherman changed the title to Renewal of Gosport Observatory Version 2 to a classic Rolling roof design.
Posted (edited)

No Pictures today as not a lot was done. I laid down the metal frame for the temporary shed and bolted the corner panels together and that ended todays build the weather got pretty wild down here today that is one of the joys living on the coast,  if wasn't the  showers it was the gale force wind gust that stopped construction, So I went to plan B and carried on sanding the pier adaptor plate.

I have also changed my mind on reusing the original observatory I will still use the old observatory for storage.

I be will now building completely new I did consider rebuilding the double door end to a single door of the original structure, removing the wheel under carriage and splitting the roof from the body but the cost ,time and also I could not guarantee that the joint between the floor and the deck would be water tight and stop water seeping under the old observatory is it much smaller than the deck.



Edited by The storm fisherman
Rewritten last paragraph to make sense of new build
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Good evening from a sunny and calm /Gosport so far this weekend we have managed to dodge the Storms, as so often the case down here most of the  home grown storms are either along the ridge of the Southdown's or to the North. Todays lesson is in Ikea style construction and having 2 people to do the Job as I only had me myself and I it took a lot longer to get the walls up as a lot of the holes did not line up exactly and about 20 of the self-taping holes was 1/2mm to small so I had to drill them out. Depending on how the back feels tomorrow I will complete the construction of the temporary shed IE the roof and doors, ready to move the old observatory stuff out so that I can really start construction in a few weeks when I have a weeks holiday in the middle of august. I will post some pics up tomorrow eve.

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On 30/06/2024 at 18:42, The storm fisherman said:

Ordered the new aluminium mounting plates from laser master

Interesting... Could I ask what you spec for the plates, and how much they cost?


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Hi adyj1

I have 2 200mm Dia x 5mm thick aircraft grade aluminium  Plates and 1 with a centre hole cut at 10.5mm for the mount bolt clamp the telescope mount to the pier. I still have to drill the holes for bolts in the pier column and the mounting bolts for the  Altair Astro EQ mount adaptor plate, depending on whether I just use a bolt or a hand wheel bolt will determine if I use 1 or 2 plates. The cost was £20.00 each with cutting and postage. 

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Posted (edited)

Hi all

As promised here is todays Photo only the roof left to do but estimated time was way off always add at least 2-3 times longer what took the time was trying to get the protective plastic of the panels. That hedge behind needs a hair cut badly anyone know a good arborist? IMG_4201.thumb.JPG.de7a08546f1543e939d2c43748a59dc3.JPG

Edited by The storm fisherman
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Good evening from a soggy Gosport. I have finally finished the temp storage shed but only just as the rain came in I got to adjust the doors at some point, from tomorrow I will start to reclaim back the current observatory. As normal I will post some pic's tomorrow Evening. 

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Hi All

better day today weather wise dry sunny and a sea breeze in the afternoon. The problem I have no clue as to where the time goes these days unfortunately I lose Sunday mornings  getting shopping, cooking and housework done for the week. Back to today's work it was a frustrating day got nowhere near what I wanted to do, in my haste in the rain yesterday I put a bracket on the wrong way round putting the roof on shed throwing the alignment out causing the doors not to shut together once I sorted that was end of Sunday and a photo of the completed shed. 


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Progress is progress and you have a roof on, a positive step along the way.

Out of interest, you have a circular aerial above your owl, what is that used for, being curious…

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On 14/07/2024 at 14:14, The storm fisherman said:

Hi adyj1

I have 2 200mm Dia x 5mm thick aircraft grade aluminium  Plates and 1 with a centre hole cut at 10.5mm for the mount bolt clamp the telescope mount to the pier. I still have to drill the holes for bolts in the pier column and the mounting bolts for the  Altair Astro EQ mount adaptor plate, depending on whether I just use a bolt or a hand wheel bolt will determine if I use 1 or 2 plates. The cost was £20.00 each with cutting and postage. 

As a slight detour from your build, I have ordered a pier plate for my ioptron mount from Laser Master. if everything comes through as expected I'll post the result in a separate thread, but thanks again for the tip 👍. I never expected to get something at such a reasonable price. 


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Hi Ady

Yes i found them on my last build 8 years ago, i think they will do more intricate laser cutting but that will be a special price and will be more expensive. Also give your local one man band metal engineering company's a call. They will be more than happy to give you a quote especially if they are not busy.

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Posted (edited)

Hi Alan 

That is a Well brook active HF receive antenna from about 1-30Mhz best 3.5-15mhz I use in conjunction with a normal amateur antenna to cut down on local interference.

Edited by The storm fisherman
missed word
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Good Sunday evening.

Not much to report this week spent yesterday taming some more of jungle around bottom borders, then spent today sorting through some the stuff I have accumulated in the last few years mostly electronic bits and pieces, and transferring what I am going to keep to the temp shed.

    After clearing out some of the stored gear there appears to be a hidden leak in the Observatory roof this has caused quite bit of hidden mould  and rot etc, as I have already made a decision to replace it and move it to a new pad base in the garden, that is not now feasible to use it as a shed anymore, this has pushed the time scale in to getting the new Observatory built, I have 2 weeks of holiday time left this year so should get most of the structure built before winter.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Posted (edited)

Welcome from a sunny warm Gosport 

Not much happened last 2 weeks family duties took president almost finished clearing out the old observatory today got a lot of radio gear to dispose off. I have finally finished drawing the plans and now have a bill(build) of materials  and have placed the order for the all the sheet and wood to build the observatory part of the build as I have a week off from next Saturday 17th August, I will be away next weekend down the south west (Paignton) so building will start from Monday stay tuned, as I will update everyday first thing in the morning with previous days efforts. 

Jobs to do in no certain order

lay a waterproof membrane barrier down on the concrete floor in the conservatory, that I am using as a warm room to control the telescope. on top of this I will have some thermal insulation underlay then on top of that some 11mm Osb board and a rubber mat the OSB is to give a firm surface to the mat and give the office chair a suitable surface to roll over.

Finish the clear out of the old observatory.

Remove the old shed and cut down into car sized pieces to go down the dump, too much to burn.

Finish removing the old hardware from the deck, wash and treat with deck cleaner and oil.

Lay the floorboarding and start building the frame.

Also before the weather sets in for winter I want to have the frame built and the waterproof wrap on the outside no roof is required at this stage as I will put a tarp over the top. 


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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi All

I hate to be the barer of bad news but unfortunately health has taken a turn for the worse namely the back. If anyone has read my previous thread on the original build will know I had a serious motorcycle accident in 2016, this has come back to haunt me over the weekend down in Paignton in short my lower back hurts and I have a very numb right foot and a slightly numb left foot I have seen the GP and have been referred to the Physio dep't for an initial assessment on Friday 23rd August who then refer me onto the Muscular skeletal dep't at QA Hospital in Portsmouth. I will know more on Friday what the outcome will be.

On Monday I had the wood turn up for the observatory my Brother gave a hand to the driver move down to rear of the back garden and wrapped up it in a tarp to keep the weather out. 

I will now try to find a builder to do the construction for me or it will be a while before the observatory will get built.



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